upsetting event when butchering today warning involves talk of slaugh

I didn't have much flapping or problems when bleeding them out. I lower them into a tall trash can lined with a black plastic liner. They bleed out in seconds and flap maybe 3 times and are ready for the scalding pot. You do miss once in a while. It hurts me when I do as well. When it happens just work as fast as you can to remedy the problem. When it is done right you feel good about it. The bird just fell asleep and didn't wake up. When I have to cut more the once is when I get mad at myself.
The broilers we raise are as yours are very well cared for. They have the best conditions,feed,pasture and yes raised with love. The day we order them we know the duration of their lives has already been predetermined. We know that we care for them the very best we can. The entire time we raise them my wife and I try not to distinguish one from the other. We care for them lovingly and respectfully but try not to form relationships with them. Don't get me wrong we love raising them. We have to keep in mind the entire time,this is the circle of life and by the chicken giving up theirs, they are enriching someone or things life. We butcher our own birds, we also use every part of the bird possible. Feathers into the compost,a lot of the entrails end up being consumed by the cat and dogs.all edible parts of the birds are used in cooking. Waste not want not is how I was taught, that thought process may be a bit outdated in today's world but that's how I was raised. All of that to tell you sometimes a miss happens, if you had no feelings of remorse I would say maybe something is wrong,but your reaction is one I've had as well.we use a kill cone stand and two people,one to put the bird in and I grab the head and hold the beak shut so there is no noise,my hand closes and covers the eyes, I cut behind both ears and tip back the head to bleed out quick, I do say a small prayer and hold the birds head till the end .the circle of life isn't always easy,but I wouldn't have it any other two cents only.
For slitting, find the "jaw" bone just under the ear. Find the soft flesh as you move your finger toward the neck. Right there where that bone ends and the soft flesh starts is the sweet spot. Slit deep on both sides and the blood will gush. You have hit both the jugler and carotted. It will pass out in a few seconds and be dead in 30.

I use my.finger to find that spot every time I do a bird, even though I have done hundreds.
jdw, you sound just like my wife and I. At the end I also say a little something, Not quite a prayer, but I simply say thank you for what you give to my family. I speak softly to them untill the end.
Maybe prayer was a little out of context but you got the idea. Quite a responsibility controlling life.
I am going to try using a killing cone and then cutting the head off with PVC cutters or something. Makes it easier to hold them still once their head's off
This is what I do. I put the bird in the killing cone, then my husband made a slip knot from a boot string that is tied to a 32 ounce gatorade container.We slip it over the chicken's head and let it hang down into the garbage can. It holds the head still and they can't pick it back up. They I lop off the head with heavy duty hedge clippers,
It works for me, I wouldn't be able to cut their throat.
Very sorry about your bad experience.
It is good to see that you respect the animals. You have my respect in that regard. (IN MY OPINION) I believe the people who dont respect the animals are the ones who would prefer someone else kills them. Think of the alternative. Would you rather the animal be alone and killed by a machine?

It might sound a little crazy but, I always say a small prayer afterwards. It seems to help me come to terms with it all, and puts things in perspective. Take it as a good time to reflect about life and death. Its not good to ignore it and hold it all inside. If you need to cry, go ahead and cry. The animal never goes to waste entirely. Whether its feeding the plants or feeding you, that is just the circle of life.

One thing I have learned when killing animals for food is be quick and decisive. When you are nervous about it or squimish it usually results in prolonged suffering of the animal. Your skill at doing it determines how humane it is, not exactly the tool. I personally prefer to do it the axe and stump way. However, I have been in survival situations where I have killed animals with my hands, which at times can be much more humane and quicker than a knife.

And to the person who said, "being a vegetarian is more healthy". Thats not entirely true...Everything in moderation my friend, balance is the key.
Well said!
The broilers we raise are as yours are very well cared for. They have the best conditions,feed,pasture and yes raised with love. The day we order them we know the duration of their lives has already been predetermined. We know that we care for them the very best we can. The entire time we raise them my wife and I try not to distinguish one from the other. We care for them lovingly and respectfully but try not to form relationships with them. Don't get me wrong we love raising them. We have to keep in mind the entire time,this is the circle of life and by the chicken giving up theirs, they are enriching someone or things life. We butcher our own birds, we also use every part of the bird possible. Feathers into the compost,a lot of the entrails end up being consumed by the cat and dogs.all edible parts of the birds are used in cooking. Waste not want not is how I was taught, that thought process may be a bit outdated in today's world but that's how I was raised. All of that to tell you sometimes a miss happens, if you had no feelings of remorse I would say maybe something is wrong,but your reaction is one I've had as well.we use a kill cone stand and two people,one to put the bird in and I grab the head and hold the beak shut so there is no noise,my hand closes and covers the eyes, I cut behind both ears and tip back the head to bleed out quick, I do say a small prayer and hold the birds head till the end .the circle of life isn't always easy,but I wouldn't have it any other two cents only.
Are feather good for compost pile? And do you cook the entrails for your dogs & cats?
YES FEATHERS ARE GREAT FOR COMPOST!! make sure you mix wood shavings or sawdust to balance out the nitrogen/carbon mix.

I don't feed entrails to my animals. They stink if you cook'em any way so they go into the compost pile, again mixed with wood shaving or sawdust. I usually take some of the wood shaving from coop floor and mix entrails. the mix gets buried in the compost pile. Don't jut leave it on top unless you want rats, racoons and other unwanted wildlife visiting your pile and scattering it everywhere.

Agree 100% with smittenroade:
One thing I have learned when killing animals for food is be quick and decisive. When you are nervous about it or squimish it usually results in prolonged suffering of the animal. Your skill at doing it determines how humane it is, not exactly the tool.
We bought a book called Basic Butchering of Livestock and Game when we started hunting. It contains great advice on how to butcher chickens. We tried it this year and it worked great. My boyfriend who used to butcher chickens when he was younger was amazed at how easy it was. It explains everything and has diagrams too. It was written by a veterinarian. He says to hold the chicken upside down, take a thin blade knife(like a filet knife) and stick it in te chickens mouth and pierce the skull(there is a picture of where to pierce it). The chicken should give one loud squawk. Then you cut the throat and hang the chicken above a bucket to catch the blood. They do flap, but not too bad. Piercing the skull has the result of relaxing the muscles and the feathers pluck easier. We did this and it works great and no suffering chickens. A frind of ours also told us that his granfather used a cinder block to butcher his chickens, just stick the head through the holes of the block and chop off the running or flapping. Hope this helps.

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