Urban Chick Goo


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 17, 2014
We have twenty 21 baby chicks. We had ordered 20 but the sent 22. When the arrived one was really weak. We had the pin all set up for them, making sure we had heat, laid down bedding. Did everything right. We had first made the chick goo so we could get the weak chick to eat. So we hand feed her with a straw. She ate and seemed to be getting stronger and was able to stand up and walk around the chick brooder. But unfortunately she had died yesterday. We did everything we could but she had a hard time breathing, probably from the stress of the journey.
When I first started making the goo I had made too much and deiced to give some to the other chicks, and they started eating it like they had survived a seven year famine! They love the stuff and since we've only had them for 3 days the seemed to have doubled in size. I figured that everyone could benefit for the chick goo if their chicks seem to be not eating anything. We also thought this would be a really great way to introduce grit into their food. We don't know how much yet, but I'm sure everyone will find out if they had chicks before.

Urban Chick Goo

Your blinder, food processor, or mortar and pestle (using the last one you may want to grind one tablespoon at a time, to much in your m&p bowl it won't grind and not only will it make a huge mess, but take you forever!).
1 cup measuring cup
1/2 cup measuring cup
1/4 cup measuring cup
1/8 cup measuring cup
Peanut Butter (if you don't have peanut butter you can use greek god's yogurt - one tea spoon scoop or applesauce- 1/4 cup size)
Old fashioned rolled oats
Organic chick starter / grower
Hot water

Take and put one cup of the oats ad the chick feed and put it in your grinding equipment of choice (your will not use the whole two cups unless you have 30-40 chicks. You only use a portion appropriate to the number of chicks you have) and grind it til it is coarsely ground (some fine and some chunks, they love it when they grab a piece of a whole oat out, makes them feel like they got a little treasure and make adorable little peep sounds). Take 1/2 a cup out and put the rest into a container to use for later.
Mix together a 1/8 a cup of peanut butter and a 1/4 a cup of water in a bowl so the peanut butter is easy to mix with your dry oat stater/grower blend. stir with a fork the dry and the wet , adding 1/4 a cup at a time until it is gooey, not liquid!
We take about a 1/4 of cup or this stuff and put it in one of these : https://www.backyardchickens.com/products/plastic-1-quart-jar-feeder
We don't fill the jar, we keep it in so the chicks don't get their feet in the center (we had made the mistake of not putting it in the first time and one of them got both feet stuck and was screaming bloody murder because she couldn't get out! It was hilarious but I got her out and cleaned her feet so she would calm down) Fill around the edge of the feeder so they won't struggle to get some of the goo if there is any in the center, they are very messy eaters.

Hope you have as much fun with this as much as we have.
The chick starter/grower should be a balanced complete diet; I would not expect to improve the nutritional value of the diet by changing it so much. Tasty doesn't equal balance and nutritionally complete, IMO. Mary
I have the starter in the brooder all the time so they can eat it. The goo is just a treat.

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