Urban/Suburban chicken owners--what do u do w/your dead chicken(s)?


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Central Indiana
First off, sorry if I posted in this the wrong folder

Second, I apologize for the very morbid post

I have a chicken who suddenly became ill last Tuesday, she refuses to eat/drink and despite my efforts, is declining quickly. This morning, she couldn't even open her eyes and her breathing was very sporadic. Currently, I'm at work and if I go home and see that she has passed...I have no idea what to do with her

I live in a suburban/urban area with a dog in a fenced in yard. So, burying her is out of the question. He most definitely would dig up the chicken and my kids would be traumatized for their entire life

What do you guys do? What should I do? Thanks in advance for any info.
We don't have a dog, so we do bury the few chickens that haven't been carried off by predators in the yard. I'm sure there are regulations about that sort of thing. Maybe try calling the town/city hall to see if there are laws covering this issue in your area before you start digging up public land (I was going to suggest a state park or forest).
We bury, then pile a few heavy rocks over the grave, both to serve as markers and discourage ANY animal from digging them up.

Since you have kids, bury the chicken, put a large rock on the grave, and then let them plant some flowers or something over the grave. We still have Lillies I call Puff's Lillies, although Puff has been gone for YEARS. Same with Scooter's Daisies...
Part of the 'Circle of Life' lesson.
buy a bag of AG lime its great for the chix too under their
put some into the hole with your loss and some on top. cover with dirt . takes away any odor and no animal will go to it.
toss them in the woods so another animal can eat them. No sense letting the meat go to waste..
If you are in a truly "urban" area with nowhere to safely bury a dead bird, I would wrap it up in a plastic bag and throw it in with your garbage. It's like buying a chicken from a grocery store, letting it sit in your fridge too long, and then deciding to throw it out rather than cook it because it has spoiled. It's "meat".

Just double-bag it so the garbage carriers won't accidentally spill it out and start asking questions.

I hope she makes it
, but if not, this is probably the easiest way for you to get rid of the body. Sorry.
Another BYC member gave us the greatest tip:

Use a post-hole digger and go down about two feet.

Dogs have trouble digging down because the surrounding soil is still intact and not loosened.

Sorry about your chickie.
That's what I did. I also did it with a dead cat and upset my son-in-law. He told me he better not be in charge when I die or he'll find a large plastic bag and put me in the garbage. I told him to do whatever is cheapest.
That's what I did. I also did it with a dead cat and upset my son-in-law. He told me he better not be in charge when I die or he'll find a large plastic bag and put me in the garbage. I told him to do whatever is cheapest.

I told my dh the same thing...hence the reason I want to be cremated when I pass. Wow...I'm in a morbid mood
She was still alive when I came home and before I came inside for the night. Poor girl
Also, I used to be an inspector for our county and drove in many alleys during garbage day. Yeah, pets are the norm...
Not to completely hijack your thread, but do you have one on your sick chicken? Perhaps there is something that one of us can suggest that would help get it well. If you haven't started one, would you mind doing that please? If you have, please link it, and hopefully something can help.

I'm sorry you're even having to think about this, but kudos to you for thinking ahead.

We live in the country and have a pet cemetery on the land for ours. Each is burried and rocks placed on the burial and flowers planted. It helps our kids, and us with the mourning process. When I lived in the city, I buried my animals on my land there as well. I'm sure it was probably illegal, but I couldn't imagine throwing them in the trash. Than again, I even bury goldfish or tropical fish when I find them dead.
My inlaws lived in the country, and when we lived in the city, we did bury our horse on their property, and we buried a dog there.

If you know someone in the country you might ask if you can bury one there, if you think it would help the kids. You could also bury on your property in the flower bed, under the deck, etc., and use lime to mask the smell and speed decomposition, and place a rock, concrete statue, or piece of plyboard over the site for a week or so.

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