Oct 16, 2017
North Carolina
I have a mixed Breed Bantam hen who I discovered was limping, and after much trouble of catching g her, I discovered her toe completely swollen... I'm going to put her in a sling , and I think she might need it ampurated.. she has scaleu keg, and I knew,she did... but I tried to treat her, although I didnt often because she is incredibly hard to catch. Could that be the cause? Please help!!!!
She needs her toe nails trimmed to begin with. If she were mine, I would remove the necrotic portion of the toe. Are your birds maintained on wire to cause such bad condition of her feet ?
No, they are free range, and we don't have any wire.. I'm going to cut her nails. None of our other chickens have had anything like this one.. my mom is a vet tech so she will decide whether the hen needs amputation on her toe or not. Will she be able to balance properly? I'vecread of one rooster who was mauled by a dog, and even though they tried their best, the rooster's broken leg had to be amputated. The rooster is perfectly happy, even though he is unable to breed. I'm assuming it will be similar to my hen so she should be ablessed to balance properly?
No, they are free range, and we don't have any wire.. I'm going to cut her nails. None of our other chickens have had anything like this one.. my mom is a vet tech so she will decide whether the hen needs amputation on her toe or not. Will she be able to balance properly? I'vecread of one rooster who was mauled by a dog, and even though they tried their best, the rooster's broken leg had to be amputated. The rooster is perfectly happy, even though he is unable to breed. I'm assuming it will be similar to my hen so she should be ablessed to balance properly?
Yes, she should not have balance issues.
To me it looks like she has got a fine strand of something wrapped around the toe right above the injury which may have td the blood supply. I would start by giving it a good soak in a warm Epsom salts bath and scrubbing it with a soft brush to clean away any debris and that may give you a better idea of what you are dealing with. The toe nails should be softer and easier to clip after they have had a good soak. It does look pretty necrotic though, so she may be better off without it. They can learn to balance on one leg so she should easily be able to compensate for a missing toe..... she probably already has no sensation in it anyway.
Okay. Thank you!! My mom gave her a vaccine that should help with the swelling, and we will look at her tomotrow and see if any of the swelling has gone down. I'll try the Epsom salt bath! We are still thinking over whethe we shold try to save it, but it is most likely coming off. It is broken, which probably causedan the severe swelling, and then it went around untreated, which probably cause more of a problem, and the fact that she already had scale leg mite didn't help at all.. I'll be sure to update tomorrow!

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