URGENT! Duck not walking


6 Years
May 17, 2013
Kentucky, USA
Hey guys. So, I must be cursed or something. First Pyrrhos might have a dislocated joint, and now Erebus can't stand up or walk.

Everything was fine yesterday, so something must have happened last night. He cannot walk. If he tries, he just falls over. So, looks like I'm keeping both Pyrrhos and Erebus indoors until we can figure out what's wrong.

Is there anything else I can do? Right now he's in the tub floating. I can't pinpoint which leg because outside, he seemed to be favoring his left leg, but in the tub, he seems to be favoring his right leg.

Argh! >.< Ducks, why pick now to get hurt? No one has any money D:
Did you raise them with niacin?
My first ducks I did not and 1/3 had trouble walking once they reached maturity. I had no idea that I needed to supplement.
If you haven't been giving them niacin maybe try adding that in to their diet.
Yesm they were raised with niacin. They're still taking it. He's otherwise okay. Eating and drinking. He and Pyrrhos are inside sleeping now
There were three weeks, while I was in Edna, TX, that they didn't get niacin. But Pyrrhos's problems started before I left, and when I came back they got put back on niacin supplements, and Erebus's inability to walk started just this morning.
Okay, so, Pyrrhos started bullying him whenever I put them in a crate for the night. I'm guessing there just wasn't enough room, because they were fine earlier. Since Pyrrhos is walking and can still get around, I decided to put her outside at night and just bring her in tomorrow morning when they can be out.

I *hope* that Erebus will pull through. He's hissing at me(unless I have food) so I'm hoping that's a good sign, though I guess it's pretty normal for an injured and caged animal to be defensive.

He's eating and drinking with normal enthusiasm, so I hope that means he's strong enough to pull through.
Here is a video I took to show him in the bathtub. He will not use that leg, at all, unless absolutely necessary.

Could he have jump down off of something and hurt himself? looked like he moved the leg a little in the tub. best thing you can do for him is rest, water therapy and some niacin or brewers yeast and a good poultry vitamin to help with recovery. He sure seems energetic enough and so pretty.
That's what I was thinking, Lydia, but there's nothing for them to jump off of. The pool that I have set up forces them to jump out, but it's not even a foot high, so I can't see how that would even hurt him, unless he just landed wrong.

Yes, Erebus is definitely energetic! :)
Have you tried Epsom salts compress? That stuff is really helpful especially if it's a pull or sprain.

If you try herbal folk medicine, comfrey is said to help heal bones - applied externally.
I'll do Epsom salt tomorrow. We have to buy more since it was all used by Pyrrhos.

He's getting a lot better so I'm thinking it was just a pulled muscle. The only thing that does bug me, is his quack. I know males are supposed to have a raspy quack, but his is like a whisper. There's almost no noise to it. I mean, it sounds A LOT better now than it did yesterday, so I'm not too concerned, just curious now.

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