URGENT! Eye issue, please help!


May 3, 2021
SE New Mexico USA
My Coop
My Coop
Let me start off with the information that I have contacted every single vet in town, and none are willing to see a chicken. :( I even called the zoo and the vet they recommended.
Ok, this poor girl has been dealing with this eye irritation/ infection for quite some time now, no sneezing or discharge from eyes or nostrils, all other chickens are happy and healthy. I have tried (in order) Neosporin 3x daily, 1/2 child Benadryl each day in addition to ointment, the best antibiotic ointment that the vet supply store had 3x daily, extra electrolytes and vitamins in water, extra treats, and there has been no effect. The eye has gotten progressively worse, and she is now starting to be inactive- laying down in the shade resting while the others are scratching about.
This first started out as just some discoloration in the eye that appeared suddenly after I painted the roof of the coop. I checked the eye for any debris or injuries and found none, and started Neosporin ointment and Benadryl. There was no effect. Gradually it got worse, the skin around the eye and on her head started lightening in color, with it pale pink around the affected eye, and the eye swelling out, looking similar to milk glass, and her screaming and running around the run- apparently in pain. I went to the vet supply store, showed them a picture, and they recommended this outrageously priced tiny tiny tube of ointment, which I bought and used. I started putting electrolytes/ vitamins in the water like I did in the summer, and gave extra treats to try to get her the extra fuel to fight the infection. No effect.
It has come to the point that SOMETHING has to be done. I am still hoping to fix the eye or that I could safely remove it myself, but am overall wanting her to not suffer anymore if you get the idea.
One of my friends recommended using silver nitrate, in her water to assist healing, and possibly using aspirin/Tylenol in her water to decrease swelling and pain. I was wondering what you think, if there is hope for the eye, if it would be best to remove it myself (if so, how best to do it), or if hope is lost for a happy life for her and its time to do the merciful thing.
She wont let me mess with her eye anymore, its too panful for her so I need to find a safe way to sedate her if I need to treat her eye more.
Thank you so much for the help and support, she is my favorite chicken, a banty barred cochin named Betty. (black betty)

Yes - I do believe that. I don’t think that eye is savable if she can’t see out of it and if it’s constantly causing an issue or infection.
Terramyacin is the antibiotic that I got from the vet supply, it had no effect.
She is unable to see out of it at all and hasnt been able to since shortly after onset, she turns her head for her good eye to see things. She has adapted to this rather quickly and is still 2nd in the pecking order and continuing to eat and drink normally. I will do some research about the best way to remove her eye.
Thank you for giving me hope.
I wish I could offer some advice but I hope someone more knowledgeable than me will stop by the thread. It does almost look like the eyeball itself is swollen which is weird. Well done for trying your best to help your girl.
This looks very unusual, and could be an injury with infection, or something else. The eye may be detached. I would try to see a vet if possible. At least continue with the eye ointment. Does it seem that there is pus around the eye?
This looks very unusual, and could be an injury with infection, or something else. The eye may be detached. I would try to see a vet if possible. At least continue with the eye ointment. Does it seem that there is pus around the eye?
As I said in the first sentence of the post, a vet visit is out of the equation as no vets in town or nearby won’t see a chicken. The eye has been getting progressively worse despite all treatments.
There is no puss or drainage, just swelling and discoloration, it almost looks like incredibly bad cateracts. It’s definitely not corzia or however it’s spelled.
I have almost everything needed to remove the eye now, picking up some scalpels tomorrow.
I just need to know how to administer some sort of anesthesia, to reduce her moving.
Also, would terrymiacyn and neopsorn be sufficient to put in the eye to prevent infection or should I get some silver nitrate gel? And would cauterizing the inside of the eye be a good idea?
I plan on doing this in the next few days.

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