Urgent! Please Help, I'm afraid I'm losing her.


8 Years
May 17, 2011
Wednesday late afternoon I stopped at the tractor supply for supply's and came home with 2 baby Peking ducks. They had a small duck that was set aside because she was getting trampled and picked on. I know, I know but I couldn't leave her/him. They gave me her AND another small duck to be her friend. The little one is eating and drinking but hasn't walked that I have seen. Last night I picked up some "save a chick" and was hoping I'd see improvement today. She still cant stand and I fearful I am going to lose her. Her legs seem very weak but do not appear injured/broken of painful. Please all advice is appreciated.
Keep doing what you are doing! One other thing you could try is to help it with a little physical therapy. Place your finger tips under her and help her stand, trying to do this lightly so she has to work her legs a little and use her muscles. Your fingers will just make it easier for her. You will help hold her up and balance her. You might want to sit at a table when you do this so you can see if she is trying to stand on her own and how she is doing.

If it works and she gets stronger, let her stand longer and lighten your assistance so she has to work more....
I'm hoping she just needs some strength since she is eating and drinking.
I'd do this at least several times a day.
This worked on an adult chicken I once took care of.
Good luck and hats off to you for taking one that needed extra TLC!
Another thing you might try, if she seems healthy in every other way is put some warm water into a dish pan just enough where she can stand but not deep enough that she would sink under, stay with her and watch to see if she tries to use her legs at all. Baby ducklings love to play in water and this just might perk her up. be sure to not let them chill and put right back u nder heat after they are through.
This is so sad. She is about 4 days old and eats and drinks when I bring it within her reach. She scoots a bit and I have seen her stretch tall but never get up on her legs. Her legs for the most part seem limp and offer very little resistance. I hold her under her belly and place my fingers under her feet to help her extend her legs, kinda like a step climber. I noticed today when I hold her water up to her bill she plunges her bill deep which make me wonder if her eyesight is normal. Yesterday she didn't do this. Perhaps she has a neurological problem. I am hoping the "save a chick" helps if its a vitamin deficiency. Is there another supplement anyone could recommend? I don't know how long she can go on like this. I asked the store to save me another small duck because I am afraid I am going to lose her and her healthy buddy will be alone. I don't want to add a third with her being so fragile. P.S. Is there a way for a novice to easily sex a Pekin duckling
Not an easy way to sex them at this tender age. There is a special technique but with her injury or whatever is ailing her legs, I would not try it.

Give her or him some niacin dissolved in water, 100 to 150 mg per gallon. Neurological problems can be caused by that deficiency, and it is easy to get the supplement.
As long as she's eating & drinking, and you keep her butt clean, she's got a chance. Give her niacin, you can get pill at the rite aide,walmart, fairway, or just about anywhere else that sells vitamins. Grind them up and put in her water. Also, I would give her vionate or any other good vitamin/mineral source, either in her food, water, or if you try polyvisol ( infant vitamins in liquid with dropper) give to her straight, just be careful not to choke her. Good luck
This is so sad. She is about 4 days old and eats and drinks when I bring it within her reach. She scoots a bit and I have seen her stretch tall but never get up on her legs. Her legs for the most part seem limp and offer very little resistance. I hold her under her belly and place my fingers under her feet to help her extend her legs, kinda like a step climber. I noticed today when I hold her water up to her bill she plunges her bill deep which make me wonder if her eyesight is normal. Yesterday she didn't do this. Perhaps she has a neurological problem. I am hoping the "save a chick" helps if its a vitamin deficiency. Is there another supplement anyone could recommend? I don't know how long she can go on like this. I asked the store to save me another small duck because I am afraid I am going to lose her and her healthy buddy will be alone. I don't want to add a third with her being so fragile. P.S. Is there a way for a novice to easily sex a Pekin duckling

I think her plunging her bill is normal. She submerges her bill to blow her nose, so to speak. This is a good sign...means she is interested in water and doing normal duck things. It could also mean she is thinking about wanting to play in water, and Miss Lydia's suggestion to help her swim in slightly warm water is great, with you there to make sure she does not sink and balance her as she tries to paddle her legs. Then dry her off and back under the heat she goes as not to get chilled.
Paddling her legs will really help her muscles. Let us know how this goes. I don't know about how to sex a duckling.
If you are giving her the polyvisol by the dropper, do not hold her head way up so it shoots down her throat to choke her. I hold the beak horizontal with a bit of an upward tip, push the drops on the tongue and release right away then guide the beak up so she has to swallow, but the swallowing is on her terms.
Can you put a dish of water near her so she has water at all times? She might get messy with it but it would be best if she had access at all times.
If she is eating well, you can toss the polyvisol with some teeny pieces of romaine or kale too. I would also add niacin as a supplement and maybe a touch of sugar to the water. And FYI, if you use polyvisol, make sure it is without iron.

What are you feeding her, by the way?

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