Urgent! Weasel in barn!


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 13, 2018
Urgent help needed! My 4 ducks live in my big barn. They've lived there for years. No predator issues (when inside). Just now, I went to feed and water for the morning, and there was a short tailed (I think) weasel inside! Everyone’s ok for now. What do I do? Hubby’s thought is to move the two Rouens into the house and hope the two Muscovies (who can fly) will be ok while we patch the barn. Thoughts? Are we totally screwed?
I’ve set a trap with cat food, bacon, and turkey. Plan is to move at least the defenseless Rouens into the wood shed attached to the house before I go to work. My two Muscovy are 100% muscle and fully capable of flight. They may need to stay. Stay tuned.
Weasels are fierce predators related to badgers.One swift bite will kill the moscovies if they can't fly far enough to escape.Being trapped in the barn with one isn't a good idea.They stand a better chance surviving outside.
The barn is two stories high with high ceilings and lots of perches. The weasel is outside for now (and known entrance is blocked). Outside, we have raccoons, bobcats, bears, and probably more weasels. The outside “duckio” is everything but baby weasel proof. This is a short term solution while I go to work. Husband is on further weasel proofing duty when he gets home.
Do you have a dog!? A neighbors dog? I would send in a predator of my own. I would move the ducks and shoot the weasel if my dog didn’t get it.
I personally only have cats. Cats vs. weasel sounds like a brutal and scary event. I will check around too see if anyone with a dog can help out.
I personally only have cats. Cats vs. weasel sounds like a brutal and scary event. I will check around too see if anyone with a dog can help out.
Yeah definitely not a cat battle. All the big dogs I know would give their life savings in bones for the chance to be locked in a barn with a baby weasel. Natural animal husbandry at its peak.
4 years I went without an issue (besides an isolated bobcat attack). This is the kind of thing that everyone who says “I’ve never seen predators around my area, I’m sure they’ll be fine” needs to read. Why does it have to be a weasel though, and a small one? It’s one thing to make a living area safe against raccoons, bobcats, and bears. Baby weasel proof is going to be a challenge.
4 years I went without an issue (besides an isolated bobcat attack). This is the kind of thing that everyone who says “I’ve never seen predators around my area, I’m sure they’ll be fine” needs to read. Why does it have to be a weasel though, and a small one? It’s one thing to make a living area safe against raccoons, bobcats, and bears. Baby weasel proof is going to be a challenge.
Weasels are the only thing my run isn’t proofed for. The henhouse is but not the run. So I have to lock up and open up every day 🤦🏼‍♀️ugh. F*•king weasels. I’m with you.

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