URI Culling Questions.


5 Years
Nov 6, 2014
Volin, SD
Hi Everyone,

Sorry if this has already been asked, if so please tell me where to go to find the information.

The back story: Two years ago I got some chicks from a very nice local lady, her birds seemed fine, but I brought them home and two died and the others were sneezing and sick. At that time I didn't really know what was wrong with them, I hadn't had chickens since childhood and hadn't ever had a sneezing chicken. I called her and she told me to medicate them. The five chicks that were left healed up and after they got big enough, I let them out into my flock. That's when it started, not long after that almost all of my chickens got sick. I then researched it and discovered that you should cull sick chickens. At that time I decided I would keep the hens that healed for eggs, but wouldn't add any new chickens, since my whole flock was sick anyway I didn't see any reason to cull them right away.

I've read that it can take years to get the URI out of the soil, and I've read it can only take a few weeks? What are the facts, your opinions? I would like to cull my whole flock for winter, then in spring/summer get new healthy chicks. I have let my birds free range over our property, does that make this a hopeless cause? Am I never going to have healthy chickens because of it?

What should I use to clean the coop/roosting/feeding/egg laying area? Borax and bleach? What are your thoughts?

For some reason, I get the feeling that over winter should be enough time to clean out the bacteria. Other wise look at life in your own way. Don't be stopped by something that MAY HAPPEN. I suggest that you disinfect the coop and run to the max with a few gallons of bleach, a few times. Just spray the s^&*(%t out of it. The yard where they free ranged the sunlight should take care for you.
I had one time 3 of my girls come down with a respiratory disease and all 3 died within a few days. I was prepared to loose them all. That did not happen.. Since then I have added new chickens, and they did not get anything.(means my existing hens were not carriers of the disease.

Thank you for responding! I feel better knowing I can look forward to new chicks in spring, that'll make it easier. I am planning to us the power washer and put a bunch of bleach in it and bleach everything they use daily. Thanks again for responding.

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