USDA Regs?

I researched a little bit re Missouri and USDA. Like others said, there are exemptions for small operators that process less than 10,000 or 20,000 or whatever. What I noticed though is that they like to maintain a grip on it and insist that your processing is done to certain standards. Bottom line is that they are kowtowing to the large processors like Tyson and such. I just sell mine by word-of-mouth advertising. I go to great pains to ensure I process clean animals and no doubt they are better than store bought because they haven't endured the conditions factory chickens have and they get no antibiotics or hormones or animal-based feed. I would think that unless you threatened the local Tyson factory, you're probably safe selling your own on a small scale.
I'm in SC too and Clemson Co Op will definetly help you with this. I contact them about help with stuff all the time and they are happy to talk with you and send you info that you need.

You mentioned selling chickens or turkeys. I live in Portage County OH and if you have turkeys you need a permit from ODNR. They have two main options: for personal use or commercial sales.

THanks guys! You were all very helpful! I will make some calls today! Dh doesn't plan on selling them all right away since we have no 'stock' in the freezer. I was just curious as to what our guidelines would be.

PS-We have no store, we would just be selling from our house or "farm" if that's how they word things.
Poultry is very difficult to give advice on, since it's state regulated. But, I'm not allowed to freeze chickens, even if I'm just selling from my own farm. I also have to keep all meat in a separate fridge/freezer from our domestic food supply.

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