Using Acorns to feed your chickens.


9 Years
Dec 25, 2010
Sulphur Louisiana
My chickens free range in the back yard. I have 6 large oak trees in my yard that are dropping acorns like crazy. When I go to feed my chickens they follow me like puppies all the way to the feed can. A few days ago I noticed they had stopped following me and were pecking something. When I walked across a concrete pad, I had crushed several acorns and they were eating them up. I gathered several gallons of acorns and crushed them and the feeding frenzy was on. I will pay a minimal food bill for the next month due to the love of acorns by my chooks. I hope this saves someone else some money due to feed being so high.
They do seem to be happy. They come to me when I call them. I say "Chooky chooky chook chook, chookity chookity chook chook" and they come a running. First I look around to make sure nobody is watching me when I do this.
Lol yes watch those neighbors! My closest neighbor set off his air horn at me when I was talking to my chickens too loudly.
If the yolks do turn green then thats all the better due to the fact that my chickens are Ameraucanas. Now they can be green through and through!
Lol yes watch those neighbors! My closest neighbor set off his air horn at me when I was talking to my chickens too loudly.

Too funny. He probably had a good laugh at your embarrassment for being caught.
If the yolks do turn green then thats all the better due to the fact that my chickens are Ameraucanas. Now they can be green through and through!

I remember where I read that oak trees are poisonous to chickens. It didn't specify if it was the tree bark, leaves, acorns. Anyone? I could be totally wrong on this.

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