Using DE AND lime AND sweet PDZ at the same time with pine shavings bedding in coop?

This is exactly what I do. Do you find that there is a lot of dust when scooping out the poop boards? I’ve been really happy with our set up except for the dust when I’m cleaning it.
Not really. But if I'm doing a deep clean and taking all the bedding out of the coop and putting fresh I wear a respirator sometimes because the way my coop is (raised) my face is basically IN the coop as I'm shoveling and sweeping the bedding. Plus I like to give the neighbors something to talk about...
Not really. But if I'm doing a deep clean and taking all the bedding out of the coop and putting fresh I wear a respirator sometimes because the way my coop is (raised) my face is basically IN the coop as I'm shoveling and sweeping the bedding. Plus I like to give the neighbors something to talk about...

I always wear a mask when I clean out deep bedding. Who wants to breathe chicken poop?
Actually, Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a powder that is comprised of microscopic skeletons that have jagged edges.
While it does NOT keep mites and lice off of your animals, it DOES kill them by the microscopic jagged skeletons cutting open the pests abdomens.
I purchase the Human Grade kind, it is safe for any animal to eat, and you can add it to smoothies, or anything to give you extra calcium in your diet!
I also "poof", or pour it around my foundation, and it does help me with ants, etc.
I pour some in a large coat litter box and place that in a dry area for my chickens to take a dust bath in.
I've used agricultural lime sprinkled on the bottom of the coop to neutralize the ammonia. And, then, besides in the litterbox, I pour or poof a 3" barrier line around the inside, and outside, of the coop too. It doesn't wash away easily, so be creative and use it where you don't want pests of all kinds (NOT mammals) to keep out of.
I even use a heavily use it anywhere my dogs like to lay down, and sometimes on the dogs. It REALLY dries their skin though! BUT, it keeps the #1 allergen of dogs- ANTS- at a minimum. There are so many things to use it on, it's not poisonous for my animals to eat....
I use DE, once a week, in the dust bath for my girls, along with some dirt/ sand combo. However, I use it sparingly, as my girls are also fine with dust bathing anywhere in their run in just regular dirt Lol. I used to use DE inside my coop on the floor and roosts, but I felt the cons of possible damage to the lungs of both myself and my girls was just not worth it. Hope this helps!

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