Using Diatomaceous Earth?

You made the right choice in buying the DE. However I would advise against dusting the birds themselves. It is very harmful to their and your lungs if inhaled. If you dust the run and coop while they are free ranging it will allow time for the dust to settle before they return. And you should use a dust mask when dusting. My local feed store charges $25.00 for a 50# bag. Hope this helps?
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I've been using the DE for the chickens, horses, goat and dog. They all get it in their feed and of course the other uses members have already stated. Also, you can use it in your garden if you have one. I also put it in my flower beds because the girls like digging up the dirty and rolling around in them. This way they get it on their skin to help with the mites.

They only place I could find it locally was at my feed store, non-food grade for $9.00 for 4lbs. I went online and found food grade 50 lbs with shipping it was $50, Earthworks. I know it sounds like a lot, but it goes such a long way with so little and just about everything on your property can injest it.

I worm my dog every month, but by about week three I started noticing he's starting dragging his rear end across the floor, dirt, whatever. Since he's been getting the DE everyday mixed in with his dry food and a tablespoon of water to help coat the food, he doesn't do that any more. It seems to help.

I also have a horse who has heaves. He's been on an herbal supplement for three years that contains DE. He had to go to the horspital this past spring. They tested him for worms, which is normal, and they asked what my worming routine was because he only had two eggs in his stool sample which is unheard of, it's usually around 20-30 for a well wormed/maintained horse. I explained my routine and mentioned the DE in the supplement. They were impressed and told me to keep up the good work, perhaps all horses should be on a little DE. So now they all get it daily.
I put down DE where the chickens like to take dust baths.

I have yet to use it in their food, although I know many on here put a small amount of "FOOD GRADE" diatomaceous earth in with their feed for many of their animals.

I think it would be great for preventative, but not an actual wormer. I have never had a problem with the stuff though, no sickness of any kind when i use it.

I get mine at the local feed strore. I had to ask for it though.
I have found DE at my local feed store. They had to order it, but it came within a week, and I paid 17.99 for 40 lb bag.
I was looking for advice as how to use it, or actually, how are you applying it? It's such a fine powder. I have just been sprinkling it, out of a smaller container, but wonder if anyone has a better way?
Just as an interesting note.

I had a chicken come down with an eye worm. I use DE in the coop and nests and food, but had forgotten to mix it with the last couple bags of feed.

Well, I read on here that they used DE to get rid of an eye worm. So I thought I would try it. I dusted her, her food, and even applied some directly on the swollen eye. (yes I felt bad, she didn't like it). In 3 days of starting that treatment she was better. No sign of it anymore and nothing else with the other chickens.

I like DE. My wife and I took it internally for awhile too.
If you search eye worm you will find several posts about it.

For my chicken it was a swollen whitish lump inside her eye socket. I guess an eye worm will take residence in a chicken's tear duct. This is a very short, and possible inaccurate description, but that was our experience. I posted photos in the emergency section and that was the reply that I was getting.
Jody (my name too
) that is a great price. I think I paid $37 for 10 lbs plus shipping.. and I need to order more.

Maybe it'll be cheaper for you to drive to Nottingham, NH and buy 50lbs.

I got mine at Gooch's 603-679-1469. They're on rte 152 in Nottingham. Nice agricultural supply, feed store and hardware store.. They have everything a chicken owner needs
I found them to be much better than my local TSC or agway.. I'll be using this store exclusively from now on.. Great place, great staff, plus the area they're in is beautiful.
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