Using hay in the floor of hen house


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 2, 2009
I have been using hay for the flooring of the hen house for years. It gets very compacted under the roosts (and smelly). And I clean it out when the smell gets too bad. I am getting ready to move into a new hen house and want to make sure what is best. I've been reading about the pine shavings, DE, etc. Is hay not recommended at all? Its what I have plenty of. Also wondering about agriculture lime, would it be benefecial at all? Thanks
I use straw all the time. Don't make any sense to buy expensive pine shavings when you have a free or cheap substitute. Like, were people buying pine shavings 200 years ago? ?

Pine shavings keep it cleaner... you only replace once a year... so in the long run it's cheaper than straw.

I think 200 years ago, they just slept where they wanted to and had dirt for bedding...
Thanks for your imput. I bought some pine shavings today and put it in half of my "duplex". I like the looks of it. We'll see how it goes with my poopy hens in there. So, you just keep adding to it, right?
I've been using the deep litter method with pine shavings for years, and only clean out the coop once or twice a year. I add fresh shavings periodically and mix in, but it stay nice and clean!
I use both--hay for nesting boxes-that gets kicked to the floor in no time and bedding for the floor mixed with sand and DE. No smell at all really and its been 3 months. WIll be adding a ton more Pine shavings before winter to mix in...I use hay in my casges too and hate it-I have wire bttom cages though and the shavings cant stay in:-( I have no choice but to use hay for a soft spot to lay and it stinks terrribly... I change and wash out 1x a week and add more every few days on top of older..bleah...
We tried hay and went to the deep litter method also. I will never use hay again on the floor, only the nest boxes. It breaks down easily, there is no smell (if you stir it daily and add fresh shavings periodically), and the hens love to scratch or dust in it. Give it a couple of months and see how you like it. Also, go to the feed store and buy the shavings in bulk bags; it usually is a little cheaper than at Wallyworld or one of the Pet stores.
Are you guys really using hay or do you mean straw?

Seems like a waste of money (and good hay) to use hay as bedding.

I've used straw and pine shavings depending on what's available. I prefer straw because I think it decomposes better and faster in the compost pile. Straw here usually costs $4 or $5 a bale, and a compressed bag of pine shavings costs about $7. Either way, I use about half a bale/bag when I clean the coop.

I do deep bedding in the winter, usually with pine shavings. I admit, fresh pine shavings on the floor look really nice. But straw is easier and faster to clean out.

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