Using my car as an oven!


Yoga...The Chicken Pose
11 Years
Aug 4, 2008
Fuquay Varina, NC
Ok, so I'm a little looney you are thinking, well, I am... but that's besides the point!

I'm not actually going to 'cook' in my car, I just don't want the oven on in my house all day helping me make sun-dried tomatoes. So I've set them up on a tray and put them out in my car. The average temp in my car is nearly 150 degrees, this should be great as a dehydrator. I have the windows cracked in the back and front less then an inch, I an going out ever hour to open and close the doors for slight circulation and then I just wait. I cut up about 50 cherry tomatoes, salted them with kosher salt to draw out some moisture and now I want to see what happens.

I have it up on my blog, and I'll add pictures through out the day. I've thinking these will take 2-3 good hot days to work, but I think they will work. I will bring them in as it cools after dinner.

Http:// <--------- pics here
I hope you have good luck! I am anxiously awaiting your results, as I want to make sun dried toms too this year. Packed in garlic olive oil, yum YUM!
Hope everything goes well with you! I have 5 cars in my driveway and can make a heck of a lot of sun dried toms this season!
Oh Steve! I now must use some for sausage!!!!

Newnanchic, that is so great to know it can be done. I have no apples or peaches on my trees this year (horrible early season winds blew them all off), but I may want to do it next year if this works.

I wish I started yesterday, it was like 103 with the heat index.

The reality is, I haven't much time to do anything I want, let alone, need to do! My garden needs help, watering, fertilizing and some tomato plants look to have succombed to blight and must get pulled, while I treat all my healthy plants with neem oil.

I am actually 'canning' some juice concentrates today, so the oven ended up on anyways... I just had a few watermelons I needed to do something with... and a couple hand fulls of blueberries I picked I have no room for anywhere else. CRAZY busy kitchen life here.
Oh to tell people I cooking the tomatoes in my car, and it was so hot that burned... would be too funny!!!!
Just come here..... you won't need the car. It will be 104 or 105 by 3 pm and will stay that way for a few hours at least.... plus we are really dry right now (no rain 3+ weeks now) so just leaving anything sitting out in the sun will dry it out so fast it's ridiculous. I can dry heavy duty work jeans on the line in 10 minutes, when I care to dare the sun.

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