Using Rabbit Water Bottles For Chicks?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 26, 2012
I have been hatching chicks for a few years now, and keeping their water clean for more than ten minutes is always a challenge. I have always used either small bowls, or the small chicken waterers. I always put marbles in the water so that they don't drown. No matter what I use, shavings or poop always get in the water; even if i elevate the bowl or waterer off the ground. Can you teach chicks to drink out of a rabbit or hamster water bottle? If so, how? If not, anybody know of a better solution? Thanks
Yes, you can, and I often do use small critter water bottles for chicks.

I kinda prefer "poultry nipples" though. These are valves thingies screwed into the bottom of just about any plastic bottle hung on the side of a brooder bin. Do a search here on BYC for "chicken nipples" - do NOT try the same search on the Internet!!!! (You won't like what you find...)

A nipple watering system is even perfect for grown chickens, while rabbit/hamster water bottles are not.
Awesome! I am definitely going to be buying a few of those. Do you have to teach them to use it, or can they figure it out themselves? I dont want anyone dying of thirst from being too stupid to drink from a nipple! LOL!
they might be able to figure it out but if they dodnt i think u could just show them
The easiest way to teach them is to tap the metal piece so water drips out. Just keep tapping and the curious chick(s) will come over to see what's up. Then you stop tapping and let them figure it out for a few minutes. If they don't peck at it, tap it again a few times. Even baby chicks a day old figure these out...

I just make sure over a day or so that all the babies in the brooder have tried it, and I'll check on them by tapping it - which usually draws them to it. Chickens cannot resist dripping water, trust me. (So you make it drip by tapping it; otherwise the nipples should NOT drip.)
The easiest way to teach them is to tap the metal piece so water drips out. Just keep tapping and the curious chick(s) will come over to see what's up. Then you stop tapping and let them figure it out for a few minutes. If they don't peck at it, tap it again a few times. Even baby chicks a day old figure these out...

I just make sure over a day or so that all the babies in the brooder have tried it, and I'll check on them by tapping it - which usually draws them to it. Chickens cannot resist dripping water, trust me. (So you make it drip by tapping it; otherwise the nipples should NOT drip.)
the 4 day olds i got from rob took right too the rabbit bottle! i was worried at first and put a cup in, but they kept falling in it, so took it out and put a rabbit bottle in.

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