Using sand as a bedding material in a coop.

the key to the deep litter method is not to turn it and disturb it. I empty it all out and clean it good once the weather stays above freezing. Then I replace the sawdust/shavings and let it go until the heat starts or I start getting flies, then change it again, so maybe 3 times a year... in between, I just shake some DE on top every once in a while, and I use one of the horse stall flytraps. as you clean out the old deep litter, you will notice that it has actually started decomposing on the bottom, I just remove it all to the compost pile, and then add it over the garden each winter.
the key to the deep litter method is not to turn it and disturb it. I empty it all out and clean it good once the weather stays above freezing. Then I replace the sawdust/shavings and let it go until the heat starts or I start getting flies, then change it again, so maybe 3 times a year... in between, I just shake some DE on top every once in a while, and I use one of the horse stall flytraps. as you clean out the old deep litter, you will notice that it has actually started decomposing on the bottom, I just remove it all to the compost pile, and then add it over the garden each winter.
Thank you! I did not know that it was best to not disturb the deep litter. I read mixed information on that and went with the wrong info I guess! So you must add a dusting of shavings/sawdust on top daily? Would it disturb too much to remove some of the obvious build up off the top each morning to make it go further? I will definitely be using it for compost when it's time to clean out.
actually, I only add about an inch or 2 every few weeks, the chickens keep it pretty loose on top and the heavy debris sinks down and in. I will tell you, when you clean it all out, the bottom layer is stinky and wet, but day to day, it's the best flooring to have in the coop.
I appreciate the feedback. My ducks' stuff tends to remain on top...but I think once every few days right now is enough- not sure how it'll do it summer though. I'm going to begin using DE as you suggested. My main gripe with deep litter is that my ducks always seem to make a mess- it always manages to get out of the coop and into the yard.
Any of this good to use in the coop? The concrete is coarse sand but may contain silica . The pave stone is natural but finer. There from Home Depot. IMG]

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