Using shrubs/trees in run to control water

The run will border a car port thats at a slight angle so a trench of some kind will have to be dug underneath the run off. Its going to rain thia weekend so I'll have to dig a spot to check the drainage time. Theres already a bare spot in the middle of the run that was used for small fires. Would that work to check drainage as well as the hole would?
On a different thread I was going to ask what the odds were that a hawk would attack a larger bird. As Im getting heavier breeds. I'll most likely do something about the top of the run though. For my own peace of mind if nothing else. Would fishing line going across the top of the run deter hawks? The same coworker told me a buddy of his does this and doesnt have a hawk problem. But would it also stop the chickens from trying to fly out? I dont want to risk them getting caught or harmed in some way. Thank you for your help
We put a weeping Japanese maple in the run that gets 8 ft for shade, something for the girls to mess with, and because it looks cool. You can make any plant work but I would just look for something that suits the height you have so you aren't trimming it all the time. I really wanted to do blueberry bushes but I just thought the girl would tear them apart while young, so I found a maple that was already too tall for the girls to defoliate.
My neighbour has 2 or 3 buddlia(sp?) in his run and they aren't too high although they do poke through the mesh cover at their peak but get pruned back each year.They are extremely hardy and cope with the chickens scratching around their roots and provide great shade from the sun and a colourful display. I would imagine they also suck up quite a bit of water in the summer as they produce a lot of nectar for butterflies and bees and other insects.
They'll get 4-5 ft eventually, worth a shot. Blueberry bushes are super pretty too!
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I would very much doubt blueberries are robust enough to withstand the scratching of chickens at their roots and will not provide a significant amount of shade. The hens will most likely jump onto or over any wire you put round to protect the fruit if that is your plan. They are very good at getting into places and eating things you don't want them to.
I'll have to research after work theb figure out which plants can withstand a chicken onslaught. If the better ones for the task are pricier than I'll go ahead and get them.
Don't know about the USA but here buddlia are very easy to grow from cuttings if you have a friend/neighbour with one, they grow like weeds here and are not expensive to buy from a nursery/garden centre. They are commonly called butterfly plants because they attract so many butterflies.
If you are looking to plan fruit trees then be aware that, depending on the breed of hens you have, they can fly up and take the fruit from the trees. My young birds have just stripped a neighbour's ornamental tree of it's fruit. Thankfully he doesn't mind as the wild birds would have taken them anyway, but they are tinkers!

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