Using Virkon S to clean pheasant house


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2016
I am getting new birds in the next week or 2 red golden hen and trio of white crested kalij and I'm moving them into 2 houses that have had chickens in them but not any more and was wondering will Virkon S stop all the diease's that could be there from the chickens and stop the pheasants from getting them diease's thanks for any help
The kalij do not trio well.I have never heard of Virkon S,so I can't help you there.You can spray everything with bleach and let it dry out before putiing any birds in there.I use Tek Trol for my brooders,I'm sure you could use that also.
In N.H.,Tony.
They will be spilt up in to pairs I've 6 pairs and a spare male that's why I'm getting the trio so I can get him a hen

But do u think then Tony that bleach will get rid of any bacteria from chickens that would be in the house then?
It should.I would hose the house down after a week or so just in case.What other birds do you raise?Why so many w.c kalij?Don't you like the nepals,horsefields,liniated or crawfords?
In N.H.,Tony.
By bleach tony like them same one you use for the bathroom and toilet or different bleach I ask because It can be harmful to things
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There are different strength bleaches. Almost all household bleach is 5% chlorine. Laboratory grade is 10%, and will kill almost any and all bacteria, viruses, except for those that form cyst or a hard encasement (shell) when in a dormant state.
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