Using water to tell if embryo is growing


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 11, 2010
Good morning.
Quick question regarding growing embryo's. We have about nine eggs in an incubator due to a snake issue lately. They all have a very dense shell that is very difficult to candle through. The last couple of days the incubator has developed a real stink and I think I have a rotten egg in there. We were told about a method of checking on the vitality of an embryo by placing it into a bowl of water and if the egg moves, then you have a live chick in there. Does anyone know about this method? The shells all have a bit of stink about them, I think primarily from being in the incubator with this bad egg. Can anyone help? Thanks, Don
Sorry, left this bit out. The eggs are about 2 1/2 weeks old today. Don
I'm relatively sure water candling only works during those last days before hatch, when the embryos are moving into position and large enough to make the egg wiggle.
I would pull each eggs and sniff it. I know you said that they all had a stink going on, but if one is rotten, it should be obvious.
Thanks for the answer. My wife found some information here on BYC after I had posted regarding using the water method. We tried it, found one egg that sunk straight to the bottom, and it looks like the others are viable. I washed out the incubator and parts with a "green" cleaner and "Fresh Breeze", both supposedly environmentally safe and yady yady yada.... Things have been a lot less smelly this afternoon. Regards,

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