Vaccinated chick with drooping wings, need Corid?


May 21, 2024
I have a chick with runny, pink stool and another with drooping wings. There are 6 total, 4-5 weeks old, and they were vaccinated at the hatchery for coccid and Marek's. They are getting non-medicated feed and electrolytes + probiotics in water. Per the hatchery's instructions, they have had access to their poo to let the vaccine cycle (I was given a blend of feed + dry poo for their bedding, in fact).

About 4 day ago I observed 1 chick with blood on the outside of her poo, and a bit lethargic. She is no longer lethargic but her poo is a bit watery and pink in color. Yesterday I noticed a different chick with drooping wings, and a bit lethargic/unsteady/weak on her feet; her poo seems normal, and she is eating/drinking.

1. Should I dose all the chicks with Corid?
2. After taking Corid will the vaccine be nullified, and they will need medicated feed?

Thank you!
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