Vaccinating question


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Petaluma, Ca
Hey all, so we plan to vaccinate for Marek's soon and had something cross my mind. I was wondering what the protocol is for vaccinating incubator chicks. If the first ones hatch on one day and the rest follow on another, when do you vaccinate? Is it fine to just vaccinate after they have all hatched and when I go to put them in the brooder, or pull them as they hatch?

Any tips from the experienced is much appreciated as well, thanks!
Yes, cause how else would u do it, that would be lots of mixing... And trust me, I thought the exact same thing
Infact, I had purchased have it, had it even before the hatch
Well, their all 3 weeks old, they were so small, their was just no way I could have done it myself

My goal is to give them all vaccinations two weeks before they are moved outside

Iam still freaked out to do it
Thanks for the reply wannabe I too am a bit concerned about the actual procedure. I haven't seen many posts about people stating their experience doing it so I'm not sure really what to expect. I hear it's easier done with two people. Not sure which would be the easier job lol. I'll be trying to split up the wafer into quarters to really justify the cost as I'm only going to be doing about 18 chicks to start with if things go well. I suppose we will try to do a small production line as they come out of the bator. I still need to get a big 60cc needle to extract the dilutant.

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