VACCINATION QUESTION: Newcastle-Bronchitis


In the Brooder
Nov 30, 2016
Soooooo... I've decided to vaccinate my flock. I am aware that Florida has struggled with Newcastle and It seems logical after weighing pros and cons to just vaccinate. I'm trying to follow a reasonable vaccine schedule, and will be including Mareks and Fowl Pox, and MG.

My goal is to be able to demonstrate a healthy flock somewhat- resistant or protected to common diseases in Florida. Eventually I hope to be a trustworthy small hobby breeder, and I'm considering NPIP. Anyway, here's an example of the schedules..

I received the vaccines and was reading the information included with them. I have a question about one of them. The NewcastleB Vaccine has 10,000 doses. I don't have 10,000 birds.

After rehydrating the Newcastle-Bronchitis Vaccine, does anyone know what the break down of dosing is for smaller flocks?

The dosing given with the vial is:

Add, full vial= 10,000 doses to volume of water: (2-8weeks old) 25-50 gallons. & over 8 weeks: 50-100 gallons.

I have quart waterers for my brooding chicks, and gallon waterers for the outside flock.

Also isn't there just a simple way to inject each bird, so that I know each one got the correct dose? Anyone have details on the breakdown for smaller waterers or administration by injection?
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Soooooo... I've decided to vaccinate my flock. I am aware that Florida has struggled with Newcastle and It seems logical after weighing pros and cons to just vaccinate. I'm trying to follow a reasonable vaccine schedule, and will be including Mareks and Fowl Pox, and MG.

My goal is to be able to demonstrate a healthy flock somewhat- resistant or protected to common diseases in Florida. Eventually I hope to be a trustworthy small hobby breeder, and I'm considering NPIP. Anyway, here's an example of the schedules..

I received the vaccines and was reading the information included with them. I have a question about one of them. The NewcastleB Vaccine has 10,000 doses. I don't have 10,000 birds.

After rehydrating the Newcastle-Bronchitis Vaccine, does anyone know what the break down of dosing is for smaller flocks?

The dosing given with the vial is:

Add, full vial= 10,000 doses to volume of water: (2-8weeks old) 25-50 gallons. & over 8 weeks: 50-100 gallons.

I have quart waterers for my brooding chicks, and gallon waterers for the outside flock.

Also isn't there just a simple way to inject each bird, so that I know each one got the correct dose? Anyone have details on the breakdown for smaller waterers or administration by injection?

I need the vaccines do you know where I can obtain it? please? thank you

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