
5 Years
May 29, 2019
I recently noticed that our 1 year old GLD--one of our sassiest/most vibrant--started going to bed with an empty crop. She was always on of the ones with almost a tennis ball-sized crop at night so I knew something was amiss. I monitored her for a few days and she was showing signs of some appetite, though it was dwindling. Drank plenty.

I decided to take her in last night to more closely monitor her. She's become extremely finicky with food though I managed to get her crop full before bed. This morning I have yet to get her to eat. I thought she could be egg bound due to some clear looking, small stools, but a little bit ago she left a big, chunky stinker that was a little on the green side.

Her comb and wattles are bright red but she's clearly not herself. I'm also worried taking her in is stressing her out and making it worse. Any thoughts? Thank you!!
Dark green droppings are usually from not eating. Do a head to toe exam. Look for any enlargement of her lower belly between her legs. Feel her weight and her breastbone to see if it is more prominent. Look her over under her vent and elsewhere for tiny bugs (lice or mites.) Is she molting or getting close to that time? If a vet can help you check a sample of her droppings for worms or coccidiosis, try to do that. Watch her today with her flock to see if she is being picked on or kept from food or water. I would offer her a few drops of Poultry NutriDrench for a couple of days, and offer some dray and wet chicken feed and some bits of scrambled egg which most like.
We can't be sure. Maybe a few days ago. Definitely didn't lay yesterday. Her and one of my other chickens lay identical eggs so we can never tell who's whose. The poop she took was pretty big this morning so it made me unsure of the egg binding thing.
What exactly do you feed your flock?
Dark green droppings are usually from not eating. Do a head to toe exam. Look for any enlargement of her lower belly between her legs. Feel her weight and her breastbone to see if it is more prominent. Look her over under her vent and elsewhere for tiny bugs (lice or mites.) Is she molting or getting close to that time? If a vet can help you check a sample of her droppings for worms or coccidiosis, try to do that. Watch her today with her flock to see if she is being picked on or kept from food or water. I would offer her a few drops of Poultry NutriDrench for a couple of days, and offer some dray and wet chicken feed and some bits of scrambled egg which most like.
It was a lighter green but pretty voluminous. She had a full crop when I put her to bed, but of course, today it's looking like it'll be a battle to get there again. We couldn't get her to eat eggs or mash but I'll try it again today. She'd pick at oats, meal worms, dry feed, and sunflower seeds.

I'm trying to get her into a vet but it might not be until the weekend. Should I out her back out with the flock? I separated her to keep a close eye and get her some place a bit warmer but she seems depressed.
Nature's best layer feed. They have all done great on it. Laying almost daily even through the winter. Of course, now the sick chicken won't eat her feed, so not sure what to do.
Can you keep her caged for the day?
Put her some food and water and pay attention to how much is in the dish....leave her be and check back tonight to see if the level of feed and water went down.

You can measure about one cup of feed...that's enough.
If her crop was full last night, and empty this morning, I would put her back out with the flock today to see if she eats and is less depressed. That is just my opinion, but use your own judgement. Rather than giving seeds and oats, I would put out the usual chicken feed, and mix some in a pan with water. Mine usually all attack that at once.

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