Valbazen de-worming question....

Hi everyone, my flock has been infected with small threadlike worms that I can see in the fecal waste. I've ordered wazine and valbazen to start treatment. I have silkies and some 8 wk ameracaunas - my question is: should I use the valbazen on the 8wk chicks? Are they too young for strong meds? If they can take valbazen, what would the dosage be?

Thanks for your help.
I administer Valbazen to my birds (most of mine dont have wattles since they are easter egg mixed breeds). I drop it onto a few tiny bread pieces and they eat it up (administered to each bird separate so i know each gets the right dose).
In indianapolis think my white Wyandotte needs Valbazen fast. Tried wazine 17 yesterday. Anyone in Indy have?
The recommended withdrawal is two weeks.

I got the safeguard liquid for goats at TSC. Agway here also carries it.

I am battling some kind of blood red, two inch worm????? Looks like a baby earthworm but, as baby earthworms are not blood red it is definitely not an earthworm

I lime their run's also and definitely clean the coops of bedding and wash everything AFTER both treatments. (usually the day after)
Thanks guys! I guess I will have to order it online as I haven't seen anything like it here either, fortunately it looks like a big bottle so hopefully it will last a long time!

I don't know why I keep getting round worms, either the meds I am using are ineffective, or they keep re-infecting themselves from the ground... either way it sure is a pain!

I here ya....the worms I have here keep re-infecting mine also, especially in the spring when it's really wet, or when we have tons of rain for 3- 4 days. I'm baffled by it.
If anyone knows what these blood red, 2 inch worms are, I would greatly appreciate knowing!!!

Last year, I never saw the actual worms, but it made them constantly open their mouth's like they were adjusting their crops. This year, I have seen 3 worms, so atleast now know what they look like.

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