Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

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(Let us begin.)

Cassie dozed in math class. It was boring. Plus, she had been up all night slaying.

Joshua quietly whittled a stake so that the teacher couldn't notice.
Kathryn sat beside Cassie slowly falling asleep,she had also been up all night slaying.
(Darn it I was just about to make some forms, but I see that you guys started : \ )
Wintent sat at the back of class, she was practically coated in black from her head to toes. She wore a black tank top with a leather jacket her black skinny jeans and black boots. She had eyeliner around her eyes and her white hair in a black ponytail. Black. Thats the only color of clothing she wore.
(Bluebee, we just started. And are you going to tell me that it's impossible to enter an RP after it starts!?! Make a form.

MollyBrown, what you need to do is manage your time. I'm trying to do that myself. It's why I'm absent on weekends.)
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