Vasculitis back with a vengeance


7 Years
May 9, 2016
Our favorite duck (hybrid 300) came down with a bit of a limp a little before Xmas, on a Friday. Took her to the vet the following Monday, by which time the limp was much worse. He said she had vasculitis, and to treat it twice a day with a liquid oral antibiotic for the next week. On the 7th day she was much better, but still favored the other leg, so I went back that day and got more of her medicine. Almost a week later the limp was gone and I stopped treating it (a mistake I'll never make again.) She was good until last Wednesday, when I noticed her favoring it again. I treated her once that evening, once Thursday, twice friday, once saturday and twice sunday. By Sunday evening when it was time to put them in their house after a day of raining, she had to belly crawling flapping her wings. I think she wore her other leg out in the mud even though she was laying down most of the time. She pushes against my hand with her good leg when I hold her and put my palm under it. The other leg she just lets me move up and down with little to no resistance. I've had her in a small dog crate all day where she can't really move much. She's eating and drinking when I bring it out to her. I just gave her her second dose of the day. If her foot/leg is in that much pain would she just let me move it freely? I'm afraid she's at risk of losing it, which means she won't make it. The vet is supposed to call me back this evening, but I always like to get the great opinions of the folks here. Thanks for any info you give me!
Just went out to give her more water and some corn. The corn got her to stand up on the one leg and use the other to balance a little. She was shaking a little bit, but could stand there. The bum leg doesn't appear to be swollen or any hotter than the other, and I don't feel any breaks, but I'm not an expert.

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