
ACK!! How many birds do you have?

Oh wait.....

I go through 50# of layer feed and another 50# of Scratch grains a week, so I guess 100# is about right....

I only have 30 Chickens and 6 adult quail. The babies are still on starter feed......

If I count all the feed that I buy for all my birds, I go through at least 300# a week. Then at least every 3 weeks I have to get 50# of bird seed for my doves and pigeons. That doesn't count the 'fur kids' (guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs). But my weekly feed store runs always consist of at least 100# cracked corn, 100# layer pellets, and 100# chick starter.
Sometimes it doesn't even last a week, especially here lately with all the snow we've been getting. It seems all they want to do is stand by the feeders and eat...if the ground weren't covered they would at least TRY to look for something...lazy birds.
ACK!! How many birds do you have?

Oh wait.....

I go through 50# of layer feed and another 50# of Scratch grains a week, so I guess 100# is about right....

I only have 30 Chickens and 6 adult quail. The babies are still on starter feed......

If I count all the feed that I buy for all my birds, I go through at least 300# a week. Then at least every 3 weeks I have to get 50# of bird seed for my doves and pigeons. That doesn't count the 'fur kids' (guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs). But my weekly feed store runs always consist of at least 100# cracked corn, 100# layer pellets, and 100# chick starter.
Sometimes it doesn't even last a week, especially here lately with all the snow we've been getting. It seems all they want to do is stand by the feeders and eat...if the ground weren't covered they would at least TRY to look for something...lazy birds.

My chickens are lazy too. They won't scratch in the rain. Only when I toss out the grain, do they scratch. When it's dry, they scratch like crazy! They do like the occasional worm that pops up....
You are not the only fuddy-dutty around here!

GBS+tap water= just fine for me.

Extra fruits and veggies are fine. The only reason humans give animals "treats" is to make the humans feel better about themselves!
You are not the only fuddy-dutty around here!

GBS+tap water= just fine for me.

Extra fruits and veggies are fine. The only reason humans give animals "treats" is to make the humans feel better about themselves!


You are not the only fuddy-dutty around here!

GBS+tap water= just fine for me.

Extra fruits and veggies are fine. The only reason humans give animals "treats" is to make the humans feel better about themselves!

I don't give treats to my rabbits so I doubt I will to the quail. I only asked when I have scraps since I hate to waste...and wanted to be sure there wasn't any no-no vegetables for quail.
i give my quail kitchen scraps whenever i have them...cucumber,squash, tomato,carrot peelings,fruit /fruit peelings,most any type of greens but they really go after the ones that are part of the cabbage family...DO NOT give avacado or onion to birds.I KNOW avacado is toxic as is apple& pear seeds and the inside of peach pits.
They eat plenty of GBS so i don't worry about them being malnourished from too much other stuff/"treats" .
i don't give them potato peels ,i doubt it would harm them but that's something i just don't give.
I feed "treats" that actually mimic the diet of a wild quail. My birds are not primarily for production. Sure I do benefit from their eggs and will eat an obnoxious roo in a heart beat, but my goal is for them to lead a long healthy life...not get to market weight ASAP.
You are not the only fuddy-dutty around here!

GBS+tap water= just fine for me.

Extra fruits and veggies are fine. The only reason humans give animals "treats" is to make the humans feel better about themselves!

I don't give treats to my rabbits so I doubt I will to the quail. I only asked when I have scraps since I hate to waste...and wanted to be sure there wasn't any no-no vegetables for quail.

Most fruits and veggies are fine.

Things to avoid are..Ice burgh lettuce, Avocados(Everyone should know that)! Other scraps...Anything with overly processed white flour, pasta, and even so called WHEAT flower, are pure evil!

My whole take on bird garbage disposals is...If it's to rotten and stinky for the human to eat, then it's to rotten and stinky for my birds to eat. In a pinch, I would eat GBS! The compost pile gets the rest. Just me, and I'm not judging anyone.

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