Ventilation question for the coop


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
So I'm a little confused as to how much ventilation the coops would need. I have a coop similar to TodTracs and am wondering if I have enough ventilation. I'm still pretty new to this and will be the first winter with the birds.

I currently have a bout 50-60 square feet in the coop, It has the four windows which I would probably close in the winter but I also have 4 ridge vents and a roof vent. Would that be sufficient ventilation in the winter with the larger windows closed up? I am guessing the pop door will probably be closed on the cold nights or when it gets around zero or below.

Thanks again for all the help everyone.

Similar to this coop
so if I have 4 4X6 ridge vents and a 12x12 roof vent thats enough for 4ish hens???? Am I under standing that correctly
Bear foot are you saying that the ventilation I stated is good for 4 chickens or the size of the coop. I will end up with around 12 hens. Just want to get the ventilation done now and squared away before I get everything all buttoned up.

Thanks again
also do you think it would be better to just leave it open where the roof and walls meet and just put some chicken wire over that opening. Or finish it off and put in the ridge and soffet vents

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