Verifying a Roo


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 9, 2013
Eastern WA
We have one Golden Sex Link we think is a roo, but wanted to verify if it's not too early. He is only 3 weeks old, but rather than reddish/brown feathers coming in (we were expecting a pullet), they are all white and creamy. From pictures I've seen, this would indicate a roo. Is that right? The other 2 chicks we got are a Silver Laced Wyandotte and a NH Red so I can't compare him to those as far as developing colorwise. I don't have a picture available right now, but can get one if needed.

If the feathers are coming in any other color than buffish/red its a cockerel. Sex linked hens can be sexed at hatch. The males and females are different colors...

I am newbie but our gold SL also feathered with white on the wings. I think this is normal and wouldn't indicate that she is a roo. Here is a picture of my Amelia and you can see her coloring is very light on her wings. She is the one sitting on the green feeder. This was when she was ~3.5 weeks.

We have one Golden Sex Link we think is a roo, but wanted to verify if it's not too early. He is only 3 weeks old, but rather than reddish/brown feathers coming in (we were expecting a pullet), they are all white and creamy. From pictures I've seen, this would indicate a roo. Is that right? The other 2 chicks we got are a Silver Laced Wyandotte and a NH Red so I can't compare him to those as far as developing colorwise. I don't have a picture available right now, but can get one if needed.

They are definitely all white feathers coming in, nothing reddish at all. We got him from our local feed store and knew they should be discernible as chicks. This one looked like he should have been a she, but maybe he wasn't from a 1st run so his colors were a little muddled or he got in the wrong pen. Either way, we'll be looking to find him a new home.

Thanks everyone!
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