Very aggressive drake

I found 2 four-month old girls, going to go pick them up tomorrow evening. I'm excited
Very excited for you, be sure to post pics..
I have a Pekin drake whom I adopted a few weeks ago. He has become increasingly aggressive with any person who is in the yard. He does not have issues with the young Pekin female he occasionally spends time with but he has started attacking any person who comes in to feed or water the ducks. I know with a rooster you should pick them up if they attack. Is it the same for ducks? Any other suggestions would appreciated. Thanks!
He may be anxious and trying to protect her.

Have you been able to spend time just being nearby? Tried offering treats? You may need to pick him up and hold him a few times, but really he may just need to be assured that this is a safe place. Are there other animals around or anything going on that may seem like a threat? Large dark objects, things that move around up above?

I found that I need to wait to hang out linens till the ducks are not near that area - it worries them to see sheets unfolding and flying around in the breeze.
Thanks! I do think there is just a lot going on for him right now. He was really sweet the first week or so and in that time we did just sit by him and let him approach and we gave him treats and such then after that first week he started getting more and more irritated. As you mentioned though there are some things that could be making he feel uneasy. We're working on one of our pens so the ducks got moved and are now right near the kids and dogs. Plus two of our chickens have been flying into the duck run. And the new girl is with him full time now and he does protect her. The ducks are moving back to a more quiet location today where they won't be around all of the other animals and kids all day. Hopefully that helps him settle in.
Need advice!

Ive got an ancona drake, a rouen hen, a pekin hen and a muscovy drake. The pekin apparently got stuck under a bowl as a baby in her previous home so she has some issues. The ancona, rouen and muscovy tend to hang out but the muscovy does spend time with the pekin hen too. However the ancona drake is so mean to her during mating. He chases her down (she cant walk well so she cant get away) and mates very aggressivley all day long. Shes not got sores on the back of her head! But he doesnt do this at all with his rouen "wife"

Ive got two options now :
1. Rehome both the ancona and rouen together because they are bonded
2. Duck dinner for ancona- but will this cause stress with his partner now missing her mate?

Not sure best course of action.
Need advice!

Ive got an ancona drake, a rouen hen, a pekin hen and a muscovy drake. The pekin apparently got stuck under a bowl as a baby in her previous home so she has some issues. The ancona, rouen and muscovy tend to hang out but the muscovy does spend time with the pekin hen too. However the ancona drake is so mean to her during mating. He chases her down (she cant walk well so she cant get away) and mates very aggressivley all day long. Shes not got sores on the back of her head! But he doesnt do this at all with his rouen "wife"

Ive got two options now :
1. Rehome both the ancona and rouen together because they are bonded
2. Duck dinner for ancona- but will this cause stress with his partner now missing her mate?

Not sure best course of action.

I think the rouen hen will probably fine without him since she has other ducks to live with.
I havent experiences this situation personally but i wouldnt keep a drake with the pekin girl at all if she cant get away if she needs to. And i would definatly seperate them for now untill a decision is made if she has sores from him

According to what i have read 1 drake is plenty for quite a few girls. And if you arent hatching out eggs there is no need for a drake.
Obviously this is just my opinion and how i would deal with it if i had a special needs girl who cant easily get away from the drakes.

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