Very basic automatic egg turner question.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 6, 2009
In the past I've flipped my eggs by hand with the X and O method. I've received a used automatic turner and it seems that you put the small end of the egg in the holes first and it just "leans" the eggs to one side and the other without completely turning the eggs over. Is this right? How do the yolks not sink down to the bottom of the egg? Or is my egg turner missing pieces?

Thanks for any help.
That how it is supposed to work. In truth eggs aren't really turned, they're tilted from one side to the other. After 17 days take the turner out of your incubator and gently and quickly place eggs back, close, and don't open it until they have all hatched.
Turning 180 degrees will actually kill your chicks in the shell and result in low hatch rates. Egg turners are only supposed to lean the eggs from side to side to keep them from getting stuck to the shell.
You aren't missing any pieces, so go ahead and use that turner and have lots of fun.
Thanks for the responses!

Why doesn't the yolk go to the bottom of the egg? Is it because the big end is up?
because of viscosity and density..

the big end is up because that is where the air is ,, and the chick will pip at that end..

personnally, I do not believe that eggs have to be turned as often as recommended..

I use all auto turners, so I go along with the plan,,..but if I were turning by hand, I think I would turn only twice a day.. at least that is how I would start.. If I proved myself wrong, then I would turn more, I guess..

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