Very Best Brown egg layers { Not Hybirds }

i havr read that the chicks from them will not lay as good & they revirt ack to what ever the hybrids were crossed with to make them
Hybrid layers are great layers--for about one and a half years, they're the best layers you'll ever own. Then they tend to slow drastically. Both the parent breeds are good layers, too, so even second generation crosses should lay pretty well.
So far as I know, Turkens breed true. Though their naked neck status is variable and needs to be monitored to maintain the trait. Any good breeding program of any breed will work to improve the strain and maintain the SOP for that breed.
My Barred Rocks have been my best layers, by far. My mother has them too with the same experience. 6-7 eggs per day as pullets and 5-6 a day season 2-4 so far, 9 months out of the year. Obviously they slow down before and during molt and mine slow down to the occasional egg during the coldest two months of the year and start to slowly work up from there.

Next in line are my RIR's. 5-7 eggs per week per bird but it does range more than my BR's. They slow down a lot more abruptly in the winter but they ramp up production faster too.

My Australorps are probably about the same as my RIR's or not far off. I only have a few so it is harder to tell and they are in the mixed flock not one of the separates.

My easter eggers are next. 4-5 eggs a week after their pullet years. They slow down to 2-3 per week in the winter but I have NEVER had them stop laying. That is great because for some reason I like their eggs I know, that is mental. Sorry, these are not brown eggs and I know you are asking for those but this is where this bird fits in my lineup.

Next to last is my Orpington flock. These ladies were very slow to mature. I got my first egg at 26 weeks and not everyone started laying until about 28 weeks or so. They did lay right through their first winter as per normal with birds that I have raised. They did so by giving me 4-6 eggs per week per bird and like the RIR's there seemed to be more variance here than with some other birds. Now that they are going into their third season and working on their fourth I am getting, on average, 4-5 eggs per week per bird but 4 is more common. They stop laying almost completely from December to February. I get the random egg now and again. But come the first week of March they are right back to 4-5 eggs per week.

I have more breeds on their way to test out over the next 3-4 seasons.

Disclaimer, all of my birds are hatchery quality. Not all of them from the same hatchery. I have mostly cackle birds but I get TSC birds and I have no idea where they come from and I have some from Meyer too.

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