Very bizarre blood-red, shell-less egg!

We found this oddity on the roost this morning. We have 10 pullets who are 16-1/2 weeks old, and we haven’t seen anyone’s first egg yet. It’s time. Could this just be a start-up glitch? The coop is spacious, clean, and dry with vastly ample roost space, clean water daily, and we have just (a week ago) finished a routine course of Strike III to reduce the likelihood of parasites as advised by our avian vet. The birds all look pretty and healthy and content. But this egg!!! Ignore the fact that someone put that egg on the roost they had been sleeping and pooping on - poops in the coop and run are all normal. The egg had no shell, contained a little nugget of some kind of waxy or fatty material, and had a blood-red membrane around a normal yellow yolk. Anyone have insight?View attachment 1813005View attachment 1813006View attachment 1813007
I think that you birds need couple more weeks. Did you switched to layer food yet???
My chicks are 15 weeks old and I am planning based on food manufacturer recommendation to switch to layer food in three weeks. Eggs you show on photos have no shell, what maybe proofs my suspicion that you maybe did not switched you chicks to layer mix.
If I were you I will wait at least 3 more weeks before switching to layer crumbs or pellets.
Let me know does my answer helped please.
At first I thought that was a Babybel :eek:

I've honestly never seen anything quite like this, very interesting. However, I hope your chicken(s) are okay!

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