Very large swollen Guinea toe, no limping


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2023
Any ideas what this swelling could be from? I can't seem to find photos like it anywhere. These are pics of 2 different birds of our 12-bird flock. They aren't limping, but the one with the bigger swelling holds it off the ground some - as if it just feels weird, sort of like a dog that has tape or a sock on its paw.
I haven't looked at the bottom of the feet for cuts or Bumble, because I'm honestly not sure how I would even go about catching a guinea fowl lol
We did have a chicken last week have a swollen foot pad and limping but it went away on its own.
Thanks in advance!
It looks to be swollen and healing from frostbite. If you can catch her to soak her feet in some warm Epsom salts water daily, that might speed healing. But it will heal on its own. Does the very swollen toe look okay on the bottom? Are the toenails missing on any toes?
Oh interesting... its been so warm here but maybe her toe was sticking out from under her on a cold night?
I'll try to get a glimpse of the bottom, but the toenail is still there yes!
Is there a chance that something could’ve gotten caught around your Guinea’s toe at some point and the tip of the toe could’ve fallen off?

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