Very large swollen lumb in neck area on 4-6 week old chick


6 Years
May 8, 2013

Sorry the pictures aren't very good.

I just found this out today. Never notices this before. Could've been there for a while.What is it? It seems to be acting normal. No issues walking or anything. It's just feels like a hard lump.
That looks like the chick's crop to me. Is it hard, or does it feel slightly squishy? At night, a chick's crop will often get fuller- this is normal. However, if the crop isn't down by morning, it may be impacted. Treat impacted crop with some oil (olive oil works well). Massaging may also help.
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That looks like the chick's crop to me. Is it hard, or does it feel slightly squishy? At night, a chick's crop will often get fuller- this is normal. However, if the crop isn't down by morning, it may be impacted. Treat impacted crop with some oil (olive oil works well). Massaging may also help.
It felt fairly solid.

I will check on it later today, and tomorrow. Hopefully it will go down.
Sorry it took a bit to get back.

It hasn't gone away yet. I did feel it again and it's a bit soft.

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