Very red skin on my rooster! PICS


Just Me!
14 Years
Aug 29, 2008
Hogansville, Georgia
I was loving on my rooster and noticed that under his tail his skin is very red and irritated looking. Its only in the area under his tail. Other than that he looks good. His comb is nice and red and he has a good appetite but he has lost some feathers in the area and I was worried it might be mites or something. All my other chickens look good and their skin is the normal pale pink color. Any ideas?

This is Duke, he was dust bathing just the other day.

I hope these show the area well enough. Its almost like his skin is chapped like exposed to the cold but its been really kind nice out (I live in Ga.)

do you see any mites? I have birds with very red bottoms and it is just the color of their skin. you would see mites around the vent if he had them, if not I would just leave it alone as it is probably just his skin color. you could always put some bagbalm on it if you think it is chapped.
it looks as if he id flushing. Allergies? maybe the girls made fun of him and he is embarrassed?(kidding)
I think this is something someone who has seen it all needs to see.
Do chickens get hypertension?
I looked up poultry mites and lice on the internet and none of it fits him. There arent any brown areas or dirt and nothing crawling around. Maybe it is just him?! I'll check closer tonight and bag balm is a great idea thank you so much for suggesting it!
Looks like healthy skin to me. Like AHappychick said, lots of birds have red skin like that. It`s not chapped. To check for lice/mites, pick him off the roost at night and use a good flashlight to look around his ven and under his tail. If you see any tiny bugs scurrying for cover, that`s them. If the roo has them, they all do. Dust them and the coop and the nests with Sevin Dust. Good luck.......Pop
LOL:lol: I dont know about him but mine has risen trying to figure this out. The pictures really dont show how red his backend really is. Its almost like a diaper rash. There arent any open wounds either.
I think it may be a hormonal thing. I've noticed that this "condition" seems to become more noticeable as the days are lengthening and breeding activity increases.
Is he molting?

The only other time I've seen that is on a real fat chicken where the skin has stretched. Otherwise, I would put some vaseline or salve on it.
I dont think its molting, he's only lost the feathers on his bum (as my daughter states). He hasnt lost feathers any where else. The redness just kinda ends and then turns normal pink. Maybe it is just him. He' is know to give me fits...he's the darndest little roo.

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