Very Sad, but I have a quick question.


11 Years
Sep 11, 2008
Baltimore, MD
My goose was sitting on an egg, it was fertile and doing wonderfully and wiggling around great, until day 29/30. The little one died in his egg, I waited till day 34, and when I smelled the egg it smelled rotten. I cracked it open to find a beautiful baby who looked perfectly healthy, but for some reason didn't make it. I was soo looking forward to this baby.

All that aside, my goose is still setting on her nest as if her egg was still there. She has not layed any more eggs, but she won't get off the nest. I took her off of it, and smoothed out the nest to try and discourage her, but she had it rebuilt in less than an hour. I understand that she may be upset because her egg didn't make it, but how do I get her to act normally again?

When will she start laying eggs again?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If it were me, I'd find a newly hatched gosling...and put it under her at night. You would have to do it in the next day or so. I did this last year with success. Good Luck...sorry the baby didn't hatch out for you.
I've looked high and low in MD for a newly hatched gosling, I can't find any.

Would a duckling work? just to give her something to care for?
I'm sure she wouldn't mind if it was a duckling
Alright, well. I'll be picking up a little duckling tonight around 7..$11 for a yellow duckling
. He is only 3 days old, so it should work out, i hope it makes her happy again
If she is happy, I am happy.

Thanks so much for the quick response.
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Sorry about your egg.
I just had my broody goose lose both eggs she has been sittting on (and one of my fake eggs that I had left in her nest.) We found the culprit two days ago, an enormous rat snake came back looking for more. We offed the preditor, but I'm sad for her. Panini has been such a good broody and I thought she was safe in the shed, but a snake can get in places nothing else could. The good news is that I have five eggs in the incubator on lockdown, so I'll give her those babies when they hatch.

I hope she loves her duckling.
Sorry about your eggs. We don't really have predator issues here, more the dogs next door than anything wild. I feel horrible that Darcie's baby didn't make it, she worked so hard building a beautiful nest, covered it if she was leaving. I can she see is upset, and it kills me. I put her first egg (I blew it so I could keep it) back into her nest, and she was soo happy, she ran from the food trough to her nest and plopped right down and happily squeaked to her mate.

I hope she loves the duckling too, She will be a first time mom, so I'll take lots of pictures, even if she is adopting. The baby will be dubbed Dewie. Duckie, Darcie and baby Dewie.
I hope it works out for all of you. I gave mine three goslings that I hatched in the bator. Her eggs were all clear. It was her first time of actually sitting on eggs. She was so diligent it just about broke my heart. She was a great foster mom and the gander was all about protecting them as well. Hope your story works out as well as mine did. Let us know...good luck - I'll be holding good thoughts.

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