
5 Years
May 29, 2019
While free-ranging today, I notice my big, 1.5 y/o BO, Glory, seems to be sticking close to the run areas. I then swore I saw a slight limp. I watched her over the next thirty minutes--sometimes it was imperceptible, sometimes I swear I saw a bit of a limp, but I don't know if I'm going crazy.

I then noticed dried egg yolk in her feet and checked the coop--all I saw were yolk-stained shavings but not remnants of an egg. I assume she accidentally crushed and ate one (had a little yellow around her beak). I was worried about an egg having broken inside her, but there was no yellow or egg material around her vent--it looked clean--and her poop looks normal. She's also acting otherwise bright and looks good.

So, what could cause a very slight limp, and if it's mild can it go away on its own? I checked for bumblefoot and do not see anything at all. No red or hot-to-the-touch areas on her feet/legs/thighs either. She doesn't seem to hold up one leg or favor one when standing--she also will jump onto roost bars. I may be overreacting but I've had a spare of issues this summer and I'm a bit overly anxious! This is sudden--she did not have a limp last night. Thank you!
While free-ranging today, I notice my big, 1.5 y/o BO, Glory, seems to be sticking close to the run areas. I then swore I saw a slight limp. I watched her over the next thirty minutes--sometimes it was imperceptible, sometimes I swear I saw a bit of a limp, but I don't know if I'm going crazy.

I then noticed dried egg yolk in her feet and checked the coop--all I saw were yolk-stained shavings but not remnants of an egg. I assume she accidentally crushed and ate one (had a little yellow around her beak). I was worried about an egg having broken inside her, but there was no yellow or egg material around her vent--it looked clean--and her poop looks normal. She's also acting otherwise bright and looks good.

So, what could cause a very slight limp, and if it's mild can it go away on its own? I checked for bumblefoot and do not see anything at all. No red or hot-to-the-touch areas on her feet/legs/thighs either. She doesn't seem to hold up one leg or favor one when standing--she also will jump onto roost bars. I may be overreacting but I've had a spare of issues this summer and I'm a bit overly anxious! This is sudden--she did not have a limp last night. Thank you!

Maybe she accidentally injured her foot? I once had a chicken that limped for a while, then was fine. Never found out what was wrong, but it healed on its own.
Maybe she accidentally injured her foot? I once had a chicken that limped for a while, then was fine. Never found out what was wrong, but it healed on its own.
I am hoping that's the case. It seemed milder this evening an it's not like she's reluctant to move around and roost--so I assume it's nothing too serious. Thanks for the assurance.

She and one of my other hens have been molting and acting so off it's driving me nuts. Add to that the mysterious egg yolk stains in their coop (it had to be one of them), and I've been a nervous wreck. The limping hen, however, did lay a normal egg this afternoon so I assume she's okay. The other one doesn't eat much and I have a hard time believing she'd be anywhere near laying, though... So I guess the chicken mysteries continue!

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