Very small egg.


In the Brooder
Dec 17, 2015
Southeast Texas
My sex links have been laying just over a year. For the past 3 weeks one hen is laying an egg that is about the size of a quarter. This egg has no yolk. Does anyone have an idea what is wrong with her or is this normal in their egg laying lives?
Calling on some more experienced folks here @azygous @casportpony

Is she stressed? Are there any other symptoms like listlessness or changes in eating/drinking?

I know fairy eggs happen sometimes, especially with young hens. But 3 in a row sounds like the beginning of something.

I've also read that production sex links tend to have more reproductive health issues.

Hope it's nothing serious, maybe just a little Spring reset.
Is there anything other than albumen(whites) in the eggs?
Open them up and take good close look, pics would be good too.

Usually fairy eggs are created by a tiny piece of tissue that sloughs off the inside of the reproductive tract, or an immature ova(yolk) is released, and the body then creates the rest of the egg around that tiny piece of tissue just like it would a fully matured ova.

It can happen at any time in a pullet or hens laying life, a glitch per se, but is more common with new layers, old layers, ill layers, or near the time that egg production slows/stops/starts like before and after molting. Yes, could be more common in high production layer breeds as they are more likely to have reproductive tract issues.

Usually they are not an issue, just a glitch, but many of them laid in succession may indicate a problem. Not much you can do, but observe closely for any apparent upsets in the coop and/or her overall health.

How many has she laid? Sounds like a fairy egg. I get these every once in a while from different girls. As far as I know it's a non issue. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. But here is an article on them for you:
Sadly, but not surprisingly, this does not explain the 'why' at all.
Sadly, but not surprisingly, this does not explain the 'why' at all.[/QUOTE]

It gives a couple of different reasons why they could be laid. A couple of the same ones that you gave, in fact. The op didn't seem to know what they were, so I was trying to give her an idea.

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