Vet is stumped! Why are my hens having so much trouble??

Is she still on Baytril?
Yes. Until around September 6th
I actually just contacted the vet about putting the rooster on doxy since the girls have been on it. Is that crazy? He doesn’t normally sleep when I’m in the yard with him & he was napping a little earlier. He could be getting more comfortable with me, or be napping bc my other hen was in the nestbox, but it felt off. Am I being overly paranoid?
A little sad this morning. She seems down in spirits & less food motivated.
Our poop has been all over the map & im attributing it to the extras she’s getting right now with meds, etc. Canned cat food, a little canned salmon, cottage cheese, yogurt, bread (with’s the Only reliable way). This morning I have what looks like egg yolk with I assume a little blood in it. This does happen sometimes right? And is this what you all think it is? Thanks!
I have been letting her out in the evenings for an hour or two the last few days. She’s going so crazy in that kennel. But I’m going to do my best to get out of the house today so I don’t get tempted to let her out again today, just in case it’s related.
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So this happened tonight. No pus, just looks like egg white inside the small one & nothing inside the big piece of shell. But she’s very perky for this time of night. Just grooming away. But I still worry about what these repeats mean for her health long term.
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My barred rock did this today. Different bird than the one that laid the lash egg. The barred rock normally has thin shelled or soft eggs, but never weird like this. I’m at a total loss for what’s going on. She was on doxycycline for 3 weeks until last week. Thoughts?
Well that was a lot to take in and try and sort through. I would of broken my threads into different threads. I got a bit lost to be honest.
Oyster shell should be offered at all times for hens. It’s a slow release of calcium that’s an excellent part of their diets.
Tums is just a quick “shot” of calcium and Tums should not be a daily additive to their diet. It’s only a bandaid to a possibly bigger problem.
Sounds like your hen laid a lash egg....the blue blob you described. For that there’s basically nothing you can do
Photos would be of great help.
Egg yolk presumption that it was a healthy egg and nothing but a little yolk left suggests a egg eater. Completely different topic that’s behavioral not medical.

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