Victor learned a new trick!


Drowning in feathers!
10 Years
Oct 22, 2009
Somehow we managed to get Victor to learn a new trick! He shakes his butt on command!

Watch the video here:

Ming Mei will do it once in a while, but Victor does it nearly 100% of the time. I guess that makes up for Victor being lazy with his "wait" trick.
it's a duck , but when they bought "him" he was saposed to be a drake but truned out to be a duck , they syill call him Victor

Maybe the terminolgy is different in your locale. Here ducks come in male and female. We call males drakes and females hens.
Yeah, victor is a girl. Nettie bought "him" unsexed and named him victor. He even looked and acted like a drake (raspy squeaky sounds instead of quacks, larger size, mounted ming mei, etc). She found his first egg in his diaper one day and discovered he was a girl. Lol. He knows his name and Nettie got used to calling him a "he". I picked it up from her and call victor a "he" too.
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Glad to see ducks can be something other than cute
I can't wait to have my own.

Has Victor gotten over his fear of the new ducklings yet?

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