Video: laying egg from top roost. How to get her to stop?


In the Brooder
Jul 18, 2015
Washington, Pa

Confused hen? For the past four days I have found an egg on the coop floor from a new laying pullet. Today I watched and waited. She checked out the nesting boxes that only had golf balls and eggs in them. One had nothing in it. No hens occupied any of them. She paced back and forth until she roosted high in the corner. I had a feeling she was going to lay so I got out the camera phone :/ How in the world do I get her to use the nesting boxes?
I'm folliwing I have same problem plenty nesting boxes, she will even lay in box but gets on perch to lay and my eggs are cracking as it falls hitting other perches.
Thats really odd could you put a nesting box were she laying or maybe a basket with hay in it to catch the egg under the area were she laying so it doesnt break?
I think she'll get it after a little more time. I had one hen laying on the floor of the coop right next to the nest box for several days. After a few days she did figure it out and now lays in the nest box.
That's a great video!?

Is she a new layer?
Might just take her time to figure it out.
At least it didn't break.

Plenty of space and nests for the number of birds you have?
Yep, she is a new layer and four empty next boxes at the time of the video golf balls and all. I put a crate under that perch since an egg is there the same place for the past four days. I saw an egg in there the next morning. However, as I now scan the floor always, I saw that she/someone had laid an egg on the opposite side on the floor. Getting kind of comical now.

Well, I guess I have an extra nesting box now- on the floor.
Howdy skeezix05

Apologies that I do not have an answer to your hen’s bizarre choice of laying spot but I just wanted to agree with aart that it is a great video!

I loved how, when the egg hit the coop floor, the other hens were looking at it “what the?”, like they had never seen an egg before

Good luck with her I hope she figures it out soon.
She'll get there in time, I have a few that drop eggs when ever and where ever they want. Lately though I have found less on floor so I know their starting to use boxes.

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