Video: Reba Squat-Walks ~Update ~ RIP, Beautiful Reba

R.I.P Reba
That beautiful sweet girl shared with us even at the end. What an amazing hen, pet and companion. I was privileged to see her recently (October) and feed her pancakes and watch her wander and teach a young roo the rules of free ranging, you and Tom were blessed for almost 6 years Cyn. RIP Reba.
It seems like all our hatchery birds would end up with this fatal disease.

Are the hatcheries aware of it or is it something it is bred into?
I don't believe the hatcheries intentionally breed anything like a "kill switch" into the birds, though sometimes it seems that way. I just don't believe they do anything to enhance the longevity of the breeds they sell. Why would they, really? Wouldn't give them business every few years from each customer.
Thanks, Ladyhawk and Jess. At least, for now, I have no birds with any known ailments, thank goodness. Even Riley, who I was very concerned about as she was trying to come back into lay after her molt, has laid two beautiful bluish-green eggs, so she seems okay.

As Reba's body was laying next to the grave, I kept looking at her feet and legs and thinking they looked so young and should have had many more miles left of walking in them. The legs were slick-smooth, not one scale was out of place, no bumblefoot scars or anything amiss on her pads and in her old age, she'd grown a respectable set of spurs with which to keep the underlings in line.
I'm sorry for you. I respect your willingness to get in there and try to figure it out. In the end she helped you learn and in turn pass her secret on to the rest of us.

I'm sorry.
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I'm sorry, Cynthia. You've had a real run with these productive issues. I'm sorry.
My first necropsy last summer, the hen was covered with these white firm things on some surfaces, my first thought there was gosh, I didn't know they grow eggs on their insides.

I'm sorry about Reba, and Ivy, and all the rest that you've loved and given a good life to - no matter for how long. My thoughts are with you.

Your love and care makes the advice you give all of us more meaningful because you truly have the chicken's best interests at heart.

My six little girls are 2 1/2 and one is manifesting problems which makes me worry.

However - three hundred cheers for all of us who love our animals as family! It's painful when they go, but I'd rather that than be unfeeling and look at the chickens only as utilitarian creatures.


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