Viva Las Vegas!

Loved the rain we got this week! Planted some peas in some buckets last Monday. I need to process some more chickens so that I can take back the garden area and get the rest of my buckets ready. I also need to get some some seeds started indoors. Ack, and I need to prune my grapes, almonds, pomegranates, chaste tree, bird of paradise and honeysuckle vine. I promised myself to stay on top of these things this year. Here's a question...when do you dust for mites and de-worm your chickens? I'm getting around 8 eggs daily now and need to get this done before they all start laying.
so how do you bucket garden. i have tried the planters but come end of June to start of July everything dies in pots even those that only get am sun. I am tryig to garden but I suck I dont have a green thumb but a black one with the exception of bell pepers
Hi There. I'm from Tonopah, NV. Approx. 1/2 way between Vegas and Reno. We're looking to add a few started pullets to our flock of 17 and would rather get them "local" than have them fly in on a plane. Can anyone direct me to where I might get these in Nevada? Thanks!
So I was a bit sad I was unable to pick up our new pullets Sunday, and then I awoke to find this little treasure Monday morning.....

Our first egg!

And in the nest right off the bat...

Compared to store bought XL

Our little girl's a woman...sniff..sniff

I too need to get my seeds started this week. I'm going to add two or three new raised beds this spring, I cant wait!
Hi There. I'm from Tonopah, NV. Approx. 1/2 way between Vegas and Reno. We're looking to add a few started pullets to our flock of 17 and would rather get them "local" than have them fly in on a plane. Can anyone direct me to where I might get these in Nevada? Thanks!
there are a few places here in vegas that sells chicks but at this moment dont having any but soon will be follow link go towards bottom you will find local breeders and feed stores (most feed stores sell chicks in the springish)

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