Vote! When did your Easter Egger first lay?

When did your Easter Eggers begin laying?

  • Earlier than 18 weeks

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • 18-20 weeks

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • 21-23 weeks

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • 24-26 weeks

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • 27-29 weeks

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • 30-32 weeks

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • 33-35 weeks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Later than 35 weeks (please elaborate!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Well I didn't have to wait too long, guess what I found in the nest box this evening when I was cleaning the coop out! This has to be Tilly's she was making odd little fussing noises at the babies this afternoon who were hanging about the nest boxes being nosy. I shooed them out, just having a feeling she wanted some privacy. Lo and behold this shows up later. :) She is a day over 21 weeks. Hopefully her sister follows suit this week! They are from a breeder, it will be interesting to see if my two hatchery bred EE's lay at the same age.

Tilly didn't lay yesterday but today's was worth it. A beautiful baby blue egg!

Monday's on left, today (wed) on right. :)

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We have four EEs, and two started laying around 18-19 weeks. However, we just lost one two days ago.
It was a sad day. I'm not sure that she ever laid her first egg. Poor thing.

Yeah for pretty little EEs eggs! Not many people believed me that they'd really lay blue-green eggs, but now I've got the proof! Plus, our EEs are the sweetest chickens we've ever had!

And I'm guessing your other EE will be laying soon!
do they have a pea comb or a straight comb?...if EE's have pea combs have pea combs they will most likely lay blue/green eggs but if they have a straight comb they can lay any color.
I've got two EEs laying now & they both lay a beautiful mint green/blue. Only 3 more to go. Now if those darn Welsummers with the huge combs & wattles would only get the idea! They were only 20 weeks on Monday and so I wait..................
I am not sure I would know the difference but here is a pic of her.
Her comb is straight. Very pretty girl though!

This has been very interesting. I have read on here a lot that EE's are late layers but (so far) the poll is showing that 75% lay at the same age as most other breeds or earlier. Which is more consistent with the personal accounts I've heard. That they tend to lay around the same age as any production type hen. Exciting, because that means I may be seeing eggs from my full group of young pullets by October. :)

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