Wait... YOU are giving ME the silent treatment?!?!

been married 7 years now, to my second husband.
I learned from the first dh not to ever put up with the silent treatment. So it has happened once in our house. I literally poked at him til he "told" me what was wrong. After that, no more silent treatments. I told him I wouldnt do THAT again.
As far as stopping housework, well for me that is just CRAZY talk and the dh knows it. I can not stand to have the house cluttered, dishes in the sink, floors not swept, laundry in various stages of the cycle. Kinda stinks that I cant just go on strike. Also stinks that since starting my new part time job those hours that I was kid free and cleaning are GONE. So things are piling up. And yes, it's driving me crazy
I think you should try this suggestion. I dont know what i would do because we both say whats on our minds.....but if i was forced to deal with someone behaving like a baby......i would try the food deprivation tactics
I wish I could give you some uplifting advice or words of encouragement but I don't have any.

If he treats you this way now and you let it continue it won't get better with a ring on your finger. Speaking from experience - It just gets worse.

Nip it in the bud now and don't take it. I may have to shovel poop in the barn but I don't take it being dumped on me by the one person in the world that is supposed to love me equally to loving himself.

I hope you work things out.
I hate the silent treatment, maybe because my ex would then graduate from the silent treatment to giving me a "tune up" and then to full fledged "Agg Assault with a Deadly Weapon", (he is now in the county jail, waiting to find out just how long he is going to prison for), but I am also someone who could not let the chores go un-done, even though I was working full-time, a grad student, a mom to 4, and a small time farmer. I had to have a hot meal on the table every single night, even though it was always,"dry, greasy, over-spiced, bland, or boring" but good enough to stack over 60 lbs on his butt in 5 years!
I have vowed to never get mixed up with man that wont talk...if I ever get involved with men ever again, I am finding out that I get a lot more work done around here without the distraction of a lazy yard dog, and I am durn sure saving on the grocery bill.
If you work that hard and he cant give you the appreciation of simple communication, then you need to pull up your big girl panties and send him packing.
I won't tolerate that kind of treatment from my DDs and if DH tries it he gets his A** chewed off. Need something, ask for it. Have a problem, discuss it. Etc.. When he gets in the poor me, I have to work all the time, mood-I give him the proverbal slap in the face. He isn't the only one up at 4 a.m. around here. Or the only one busy all day long. While I'm making meals he is sitting on his butt in front of the TV. If I finish eating first and leave the table, he had better cleanup and put stuff away.

In otherwords, if you let him get away with it, the silent treatment will reoccur over and over again. Lack of communication will destroy a relationship. Ask my DH. Eleven years ago he wouldn't talk things out until I said I was leaving. Things changed.
Kick him in the shin, that'll get him talking. Seriously, if you find a cure for the moody, let me know. Everything I try seems to make it worse. Joking makes it worse, ignoring it makes it worse, trying to talk about it is totally out of the question. Diazepam seems to work...for me anyway, followed by some BYC therapy.

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