Waiting for first egg!

I'm waiting too!
I have 4 18wk pullets of different varieties(buff orp, light brown leghorn, jersey giant, white Cochin), 1 16wk RIR, and 1 22 week Dominique who I'm waiting on. None are crouching yet but the RIR and Dominiques combs and wattles are turning red.
My motley crew will all be 24 weeks Friday. They all look ready but one, one EE is squatting regularly, and I think I heard the egg song this morning. Evil hens are now taunting me. Still no eggs. :(
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My motley crew will all be 24 weeks Friday. They all look ready but one, one EE is squatting regularly, and I think I heard the egg song this morning. Evil hens are now taunting me. Still no eggs.

Chickens...they are such teases!
I have 3 RIR, 3 BA, and 3 EE who all turned 18 weeks on Tuesday. I think I'll be waiting for another month for the first egg- they don't seem to be in any hurry!
i have two leghorns and two pekins. I got them on new years eve and atleast the two leghorns were laying before i got them. I had one tiny egg the first morning they were here and since then absolutely nothing! getting slightly frustrating now

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