Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

The hares ran toward Siler and Silver jumped at them, grabbing one by the neck. But she hit the ground when she jumped at them and hit her side. She dropped the rabbit, that was already dead.

Marzipan chased another hare and manage to catch one "hey look what I got" Marzipan said turning around to Sliver, he instantly dropped the hare and ran to Slivers side. "Silver, is it your ribs again" he said trying to help her up.
As Moondrop limped through the snowy woods, she thought she heard a voice. Since she was unable to fight, she limped quietly towards the sound. She icy blue eyes saw two wolves, hunting. One of the wolves was at the others side. Something was wrong with the other wolf. She was leaning on the wolf at her side. They didn't seem dangerous or unfriendly, but Moondrop held her caution up. She placed the flower on the ground and limped forward. Her icy blue eyes gazed at the two wolves. "I'm Moondrop, and I mean no harm," she started. Pain shot through her leg, but she stood stiff and confident. Her coat was still glistening with blood, which was coming from the gash in her side. Her ear was glazed with red.
As Moondrop limped through the snowy woods, she thought she heard a voice. Since she was unable to fight, she limped quietly towards the sound. She icy blue eyes saw two wolves, hunting. One of the wolves was at the others side. Something was wrong with the other wolf. She was leaning on the wolf at her side. They didn't seem dangerous or unfriendly, but Moondrop held her caution up. She placed the flower on the ground and limped forward. Her icy blue eyes gazed at the two wolves. "I'm Moondrop, and I mean no harm," she started. Pain shot through her leg, but she stood stiff and confident. Her coat was still glistening with blood, which was coming from the gash in her side. Her ear was glazed with red.

Marzipan jumped around with a start and gave a low growl towards the newcomer. "who are you" he barked, trying to protect Sliver.
Moondrop backed away. She knew she wasn't strong enough to fight. "I..I'm Moondrop," she repeated, trying to keep the fear and anger out of her voice.
Koa's leg was healing nicely, but she was still worried. Suddenly, Koa had a vision. Three wolves, one bleeding and hurt, the other growling and protecting the third from the hurt wolf. "OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed. "WOULD PEOPLE HERE JUST STOP FIGHTING?!?!?!?! NOW I HAVE TO GO SAVE EVERYONE!" Her hyper-ness seemed to be back. She limped of into the woods, muttering "stupid leg," and "why the tail," as she went.
Koa's leg was healing nicely, but she was still worried. Suddenly, Koa had a vision. Three wolves, one bleeding and hurt, the other growling and protecting the third from the hurt wolf. "OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed. "WOULD PEOPLE HERE JUST STOP FIGHTING?!?!?!?! NOW I HAVE TO GO SAVE EVERYONE!" Her hyper-ness seemed to be back. She limped of into the woods, muttering "stupid leg," and "why the tail," as she went.

Winter stood up hearing Koa and went to find her. Once she found her she walked beside her and asked. "What are you doing?"

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