Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

Mika looked at Mahala "It's rare for a trained hunting dog to miss so it's not really possible to say but I'm not sure I don't recall going to kill some wolves but the things they made us do kill other dogs and wolves" said Mika looking at Bailey and the hole in her ear

"So they went to help Stagleap and they freed Stagleap so the largest of all the hunters call ever dog and trained wolf to find us and they just about did but we fought for the pack everyone in the pack killed men and dogs.But the great war wasn't over just yet the the largest human called more and more but we fought till the end.Then Humans and dogs started to fall back but that one hunter which if I remember correctly the hunter was the leader of the humans and Hougen jumped on him and shot Hougen and me so Mika saved the pack she brought the leader down and killed him but me and Hougen were at the edge of being dead but death let us live longer and from that day no human was come to this spot ever again" said Genba smiling

Falka smiled "I hope I don't get captured by a human

Hila nodded

Hougen looked at Yuki as she pulled her head away "No I'm sorry" said Hougen awkwardly

"Mika was there other wolves than you guys, who was attacking?"
Description: Black with white spots and some brown lines

Hey this sounds fun I'll join

Name: Hougen
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Rank:War General
Mate: has none
Crush: no one
Pups' None
Family : Unknown
Powers: Can make Enemy poisoned and make the Weather change, Last one to be Revealed
History: Unknown
Personality: alittle bossy and is kind hearted
(Do I have to do the Pic or can I do A Description?
(Here's Hougen)

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